Touring, Naming, Returning

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Ava ( Why hello their powerful ones I am Ava and I see that you have something shiny their in your possession no? I would like to ask you if I can have said item for my personal collection?)

Zeke looks at Ava and is speechless as it just met them and it is asking for something already and it noticed that Solusa has a golden apple he brought with him. Zeke is a little impressed but pushes that to the back of his mind and then watches Solusa speak.

Solusa ( Why should I give you my golden apple oh little Sin of Greed what benefit does it bring to you?)

Ava ( Oh a very smart and attentive being are you I think by giving me that golden apple you have would allow me to have such a powerful item to my collection. Also I would offer you what ever you want I have as that apple is worth much more and I must have it no.)

Solusa ( For the Sin of greed you seem willing to trade easily aren't you supposed to be more you know greedy?)

Ava ( Yes I am the sin of greed but I prefer to collect interesting things also I'm very greedy but I can know the difference between power and know you are dangerous so I asked instead of taking it by force.)

Solusa ( A very tact sin who knows they won't be destroyed because of not knowing his place so I shall give you two things the apple and my blessing. So magic is now your Aly so Ava here you go the God of Magic is now on your side.)

Infintino ( Ahh ha ha ha ha ha ha. This Sin is very blunt and up front I like that you know what you can have my blessing as well oh sin of greed. Let space store your items and give you an advantage in your future. )

Ava then feels a strong amount of power flow through their small body and roars at the feeling of these new magics in his possession. Zeke and Viota are now having Locks rub up against them as she seems to like Zeke and Viota a lot. Zeke manages to escape the cuddling dog and then follows behind Sequoia as she now starts the tour once again from the interruptions. She then leads them to a Giant circular room with five statues bases in it and a bunch of large paintings of each of Zeke's embodiments and their achievements in the world.

He sees a painting of Zulu standing over Helgon who seems confronted by him Zulu who guessed Helgon's blind beliefs. Another he sees id Zericho sitting in front of the giant Kiviku who seem at peace at the gentle words of his. He also sees Zane forging a statue that mesmerizing Kayana who watches it with passion. These paintings cause Zeke to feel like going down memory lane and smiles a bit.

Sequoia looks at Zeke and is shocked at the paintings she got Patience's to paint for him and even seems to have made the right decision. Zeke then looks at the two bases in the front of the him and sees his name plaque and Liges as well. He makes his way back to the others who are impressed of all the hard work the workers have made. They go on to the outside on the opposite side of the temple which leads to a place with Glacera awaiting them their with a hefty looking Gigalon man behind him holding a large basket of fruit and eating them one by one. 

Zeke knows that this is the sin of Gluttony but is put off by how polite he is eating even though he is supposed to gorge himself. When they group approached Glacera bowed with the Sin did in tow spilling some fruit on the floor. Zeke giggles at the sight as the sin looks heart broken at the scene of the fruit. Zeke picks up the fruit and hands it to the giant sin who makes giant round eyes like a dinner plate at Zeke's gesture. He aspects the fruit and bows again this time placing the basket down before hand. As they are lead into the garden the sin seems to be trailing behind Zeke like a puppy as his tail wags when Zeke turns to look at him.

Zeke ( I assume you have a reason you are following me of Sin of mine?)

The large sin nods timidly at his words and cause Zeke to be confused a bit by the wordless giant.

Glacera ( Hm. Shy. Speaks only when two are alone. He attached to you because gave back food loyal for life. Hm. name none as not choose yet just keeps eating. )

Zeke ( Oh so you are a shy giant huh and hungry shy one at that. Well you want to follow me huh well for now you can. Do you mind if I give you a name because I think you need one?)

The Sin looks at Zeke with an expression of happiness and bends down rapidly shaking its head in a yes manner.  Zeke laughs at the Sins actions and starts to think of a name for the Sin. he looks to his time back as a mortal and then a name pops into his head he looks at the large sin again.

Zeke ( With that powerful urge to eat I'll call you Atlas as its a very powerful name and equal to your own stature.)

The Sin looks at Zeke with a large smile and then wraps his arms around him with joy shouting with glee as he spins the both of them around. The gods were about to strike at the sin for his disrespectful actions towards Zeke but he stops them as he says he means no harm at all. After a minute Atlas puts down Zekwe and starts to chow down following the group from behind while getting a Letter from Sequoia and Infintino who seems angry.

Zeke is then told that this garden is called the Garden off Heroes and has different statues of all the Heroes in their prime and their death dates. Amount them he sees Arti standing tall baring his fangs at a large beast he slain. Zeke just keeps smiling but this time with a bit of sadness as he hopes Arti is okay where ever he has gone. 

Eventually the tour ends their as Sequoia says that they plan to build more in time as the world develops more. Zeke tells the gods he was pleased with this tour and hopes for it to look even grander then before. When he tells them he is returning to the God realm he feels a pair of puppy dog eyes behind him to see Atlas and Locks seeming on the verge of tears as he made his announcement but he giggles again at the two and tells them he will comeback and make plans with them. 

He says hi byes ands returns to the god realm and is greeted by none other then Eternina who is holding a large stack of paper and says she needs to guide him to his office cause they have things to discuss about the world. Zeke looks at the serious face of his god and exhales as they make way to his office and do paper work.

Well you died and are now GOD.Where stories live. Discover now