Chapter 4

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I opened my eyes slowly, squinting them frowning. They were sore, dry and red. I must have cried myself to sleep. I thought I would have gotten used to it now, obviously not. My muscles ached from where I was curled up on the sofa.

My phone buzzed and I picked it up, not caring who it was. I was too tired, too cranky to care. It said it was from my 'boss'.

'I hope to see you at work today, we need a little chat'

So I wasn't fired, yet.

This meant I could go to work and avoid Gerard, maybe he was better this morning but I didn't want to risk anything and feel worse than I already do. I felt so numb because of last night...I needed to get out of here and away from him.

I got up and walked to my clothes, grabbing some and walking to the bathroom quietly. Today I'd walk to work, no matter what. I had to be confident, strong. I couldn't rely on Gerard for everything. I'd be out in the public anyway so If someone tried to grab and kidnap me, I'm sure someone would see and help or call the police.

I had a quick shower, brushed my teeth and walked out of the bathroom. My eyes weren't as red and I felt a little better, just a little. I walked down and grabbed a bag, shoving my purse and phone into it. I walked to the front door and started walking towards work.

I didn't feel comfortable living in the same house as Gerard after what happened last night, maybe he wouldn't drop the subject and he wasn't sorry. When I get home, or if he picks me up he'll mention something about it. I didn't wanna talk about it though. I just wanted to crawl into a cave and live there for the rest of my life, away from everyone and everything.

I wonder if I'll see Frank today, I was praying to God that I didn't. It would make the day better, I'm already having a bad day so I don't need him making it worse.

After a twenty minute walk, I arrived at the mall, at Costa. I looked out of the shop to where Frank was standing yesterday, he wasn't there...yet. I sighed and slipped on my apron, trying to distract myself. It wouldn't work but still, it was something to do. A girl was already at the till serving and people were already tending the coffee machines.

"Sophie, can I see you in the back?" I heard a deep voice from behind me, I turned to see my boss stand there. I nodded and followed him into the back, if he was working with Frank, I wonder if Frank's in the back. He's leading me to him secretly? Okay, I admit it, I'm paranoid. Wouldn't you be?

He sat down behind the desk and I sat on the chair in-front of it. He smiled at me sadly and grasped his hands together, trying to look smart and confident.

"I don't want to say this, I know it's not your fault but I have to" He sighed, yep, I was getting fired. I preferred to by text so I didn't have to leave the house...oh wait, Gerard's at home, maybe leaving the house was a good idea.

"I'll give you my name tag" I sighed reaching for it but he shook his head.

"I'm not firing you Sophie" He sighed, "I just have to ask you something, I know it's not your fault and you can't help it but...Yesterday's incident scared a lot of customers away. It scared the staff and it scared me. I can't have you freaking out again..."

"I understand" I whispered, I don't think I could control myself if I saw Frank again. The sight of him makes me cry, the thought of him makes me tear up.

"If you feel sad, if you feel like you're going to panic then just tell me and you can come into my office. I know it's not your fault, as I keep telling you but I prefer it if you keep it personal and behind closed doors"

I understood where he was coming from, me freaking out and scaring customers away was loosing him money. It would be smarter if I walked into his office and cried in there. I couldn't stop it yesterday though, the tears just poured out of my eyes like a river. My legs felt like jelly yesterday and there was this weird feeling in my throat, the scream just exploded out of my mouth. In a gross way of putting it, It was kind of like throwing up, I couldn't hold it down.

"I better go back to work then" I chuckled sadly and stood up, put a fake smile on my face and walked out into the shop. I took a deep breath and began cleaning the counters, keeping myself occupied so I didn't feel as upset as I was.

"Hey...It's Sophie, right?" I looked to my side to see a man standing there with a note in his hand, he was part of the Costa 'team' which meant, he was just a member of staff.

"Yeah" I whispered and he stretched out his hand, wanting me to take the note.

"Some guy came in, he said to give this to you" He smiled and I took it slowly, swallowing hard. It was probably a note from Gerard, his way of apologizing. Yet, I still had this bad gut feeling. He walked away and I unfolded the note reading it;

'You look so sad with him, he's making you depressed Sophie. I'll take that away from you, I'll make you happy again. You just ignore Gerard, he doesn't understand you, I do though. I'll make you happy, don't you worry'

The note was signed by Frank. He wasn't going to make me cry this time, he wasn't going to make me fall onto my knee's screaming. I hurt, I hurt so bad inside just hearing his name. He was tormenting me, torturing me.

He said he was going to take all the sadness away from me, does that mean he was targeting Gerard? He thinks Gerard's making me sad when he isn't...It's Frank that's doing that!

I scrunched the note up and shoved it into my pocket, I had proof. I had that text, I now have this note. I could go to the police right after work, no, I had to show Gerard this first. I had to prove him wrong even if it made him feel bad. I was terrified, I had to have Gerard on my side because if he wasn't, I'd easily fall into the arms of the man I don't want to go anywhere near - Frank.

Kidnapped By Mcr...The hardest partحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن