Chapter 6

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I ran to my house, opening the front door quickly and running inside slamming it behind me. Now i felt a little safe, I was in my house, Frank was out there, hopefully.

There was one important thing I needed to do but first, I had to find Gerard. He had to be around here somewhere, unpacking boxes. Thankfully, there wasn't many boxes left to unpack. This house was finally beginning to look like a home.

"Gerard!?" I called but there was no reply, only my echo calling back. I sighed and stepped forward a little so I could see into the living room. There was no sign of him, the house looked clean. Maybe Gerard went out? Food shopping or something.

Then I heard footsteps. They were above me, coming from upstairs. From the sounds of it, my bedroom. Paranoia and anxiety kicked in and my hands began to shake.

It's just Gerard, he's just upstairs probably tidying. Don't worry, calm down. Not everything like this needs to worry you.

I liked my head voice, it was reasonable yet I never did believe a word it said. It made me a calm a tiny bit though. I now had the courage to walk upstairs and see who it was, hopefully it was Gerard.

I walked towards the stairs, being as quiet as I could be - Just in case. I started walking up the steps, trying to peek around the corner to look into my room. I saw a shadow of a man, quite tall and slim. When I reached the top of the stairs I walked to the room and jumped inside.

"JESUS!" Gerard shouted jumping back, I jumped and he smiled a little. "You scared the crap outta me"

"Didn't you hear me slam the front door?" I whispered and he shook his head and hugged me sadly. "I'm sorry about yesterday" Even though I wasn't, I mean, I did nothing wrong?

"Me too" He whispered, "I don't know what came over me...I'm so sorry" He pecked my cheek and held me in the hug. "I have something bad to tell you. You're not gonna like it but please don't freak out" He whispered and one word popped into my head, Frank.

"I have something to tell you to" I whispered and Gerard shook his head.

"Trust me, mines more important. Keep your shoes on. We're going out" He sighed and I smiled a little, Gerard was taking me out? How romantic. "Not like that, we're going to the hospital" My heart skipped a beat, hospital? That's never good news.

"What's happened" I whispered looking into his eyes.

"Your mum called, your brothers been rushed into hospital Sophie" He paused, "He was stabbed today" I felt like a ton of bricks just fell on me, I felt so weak and light headed. My brother was stabbed!? "Your mum rang before she got into the ambulance" He whispered and a single tear fell from my eye.

"I-Is he okay" I stuttered, trying to keep myself together.

"We have to go to the hospital, I'm sure he'll be fine" He whispered and I grabbed his hand running to the car. This couldn't be happening! My brother got stabbed!? Why would someone do this to him!?

I climbed into the passengers seat and Gerard got into the drivers seat, driving to the hospital. Worry washed over me, making it hard to breathe. What if my brother was laying there dead? What if I walked into his room and saw his lifeless body just lay there...

"Think positive" Gerard whispered driving faster, it was like he could read my thoughts. I wish. It would make life easier.

"You know that's hard to do" I whispered and he sighed pulling up at the hospital. Turns out my brother was rushed to the closest one near us both. The one in my town. I got out the car and ran in, giving my brothers name to the receptionist and stating i was his sister. They told me to go to the second floor and along the corridor to the waiting room where I'd have to sit worrying.

I ran, ran up the steps and to the waiting room where my mother stood pacing. I ran into her arms and hugged her tight sobbing.

"He's going to be okay" She whispered, her voice shaky. "He's been in there a while" She spoke softly, aiming her words at herself. "He'll be okay" I pulled away and saw a doctor walk out, looking at my mother. "How is he!?"

"Calm down, everything is going to be okay. He's stable and on medication. He's pulled through. He'll have to spend a few days in hospital and he'll have to rest. He's a very lucky boy" The doctor told us and I felt a wave of relief flood over me. He's going to be okay, he's alive. Oh thank God! "The police are talking to him, you can see him afterwards but we need to let him rest soon" Mum and me nodded and he walked off.

At least there was good news to this terrible day. My brother was alive. A little thought crept to the front of my mind and somehow I thought Frank was involved in this. Maybe my brother will tell me that Frank stabbed him, or maybe I'm just being paranoid.

Kidnapped By Mcr...The hardest partOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora