Chapter 15

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"You want me to what?" I stared at Gerard, puzzled and angry. Frank told him to help me but he wasn't. He was crazy! "I can't" I whispered.

"You can Sophie, oh you can. Pretending to love someone isn't that hard" He whisper-promised but the lie was in his eyes.

He told me a plan.

I had to 'fall in love' with Frank, convince him that I'm absolutely in love with him so he'll trust me more. I'd get rewarded for this, he'd most likely let me see the guys more. 

That was step one.

Step two was more difficult. I had to persuade Frank to let the guys go. Tell him that there's no need for them here and I could use my 'Seductive' ways to persuade them not to tell anyone. I have to convince Frank that I was happy with him and I'd have to tell the guys that so they won't tell anyone.

Of course, they will.

Step three- waiting. I had to wait for the police to come, I had to wait for Gerard to come back to me.

"The plan will fail" I whispered so Frank couldn't hear. He was standing by the door watching us, trying to listen. "He may be dumb but he isn't that dumb"

We kept our voices to a whisper.

"People in love do crazy things. Look, he's emotionally unstable. He's obsessed with you and will believe everything you say" He took my hands in his and Frank stepped closer.

"I highly doubt that...Look, what if he says no to letting you go?" I asked, worrying over the plan. I bet it'll back fire.

"Then you move onto plan B. You break that bastards heart. Step one is bringing him up. Plan B step two is bringing him down, right to the bottom. You tell him that you don't love him, you tell him that you would have if he trusted you. Do whatever it takes to break him" He whispered and Frank stood next to us.

"Are you done helping?" He asked, oblivious to what we were actually discussing.

"I don't know, am I?" Gerard looked at me and I felt something stir inside of me. Not butterflies, more like guilt. I feel guilt for what I have to do. Would I really scoop that low? The mans ill and I'm going to make him more ill! That isn't like me! But I have no other choice. It's either that or I'm stuck here with the guys forever. I'm not just doing this for myself, I'm doing it for my friends and family.

"Yeah" I whispered taking Frank's hand. "Thank you Gerard, you've made me see sense" I swallowed hard as Frank looked at our hands confused. "I was out of control, stupid. It's strange though, It's like I'm seeing through new eyes" I lied and I hated it.

"I..She.."He stuttered staring at me amazed. "Thank you Gerard!" He grinned and hugged me tight. "Oh my God Sophie I knew you loved me!" It's strange how I never actually said I loved him. He automatically thinks that though.

"I always loved you...I just denied it" I swear If I was Pinocchio then my nose would reach the clouds. "I'm sorry for being so stupid. Forgive me" I whispered in his ear and he nodded immediately. 

"No it's fine, oh god you've made my day" He hugged me tighter and I stared at Gerard. They were friends, best friends and now he wants me to break his heart.

I felt sick.

"I'll make some food" Gerard whispered walking down. Frank let go of me slowly and pecked my lips grinning.

"We can make this work, right?" I asked him.

"Of course we can" He spoke confidently, something didn't seem right though. "We will live a normal life" He smiled to himself.

Normal wasn't in his category, or mine. "Good, I could do with normal" I whispered trying to keep strong. Every time I saw him I wanted to cry, now he's kissing me and holding me. Worse part about it? I have to pretend to love him and love it.

It was like a game. Well, the games on. Who's going to break first, me or Frank?

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