Chapter 25

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I woke up the next morning to Niall staring at me. I smiled and poked him in the nose.

"Were you having fun watching me sleep?"

"Yes. Quite." We both laughed at him as he scooted closer to me, kissing my nose. "Are you ready for tonight love? I saw the dress bag and I was quite tempted to take a peek."

"Niall James Horan! No peeking until tonight. It's a surprise." I smiled as I sat up, untangling myself from the blankets and promptly swinging my legs over the side of the bed. I headed over to the bathroom to brush my teeth and untangle my bed head. "Are you and the guys gonna do anything before the party?"

"Yea. We gotta go down to the ball room and make sure all the arrangements are going according to plan. The lads and I will be coming for you ladies around 6." Niall grunted as he got up from the bed, grabbing some sweats and a clean tshirt then heading into the bathroom.

"Ok. The girls and I are gonna have breakfast and get ready in Eleanor's room so I'll see you tonight then." I smiled, leaned up and kissed Niall then grabbed my dress and accessories, struggling to keep my balance as I went to Eleanor's room.

I pushed the door open to find girls going left and right and shoes flying through the air. I laughed a bit as I closed the door with my butt and set my stuff down on an empty seat.

"Hey girls." I smiled as the girls replied back in mumbles or yelling. I walked over to where Eleanor had set out all her makeup. Tanya had finished her makeup so she was currently helping Alex and Mia with their makeup. Perrie was helping Eleanor and Lisa with their hair. I sat down next to Mia, grabbing a makeup pallet and leaning into the mirror before me.

After about an hour or so, I was done with my makeup and was happy with the results. I had used an icy blue, pearl white, and a bit or silver eye shadow along with a thin line of eyeliner, no mascara, a touch of blush, and a soft rosy pink color on my lips. I thought it looked very natural and was satisfied with the results as I walked over to where Perrie had just finished up doing Lisa's hair.

"Take a seat my friend. Today, your hair is mine." Perrie said making her voice sound very posh as I laughed and sat in the seat which she was indicating. She spun me around, away from the mirror claiming that she didn't want me to see until the very end.

I was beginning to get really anxious when Perrie suddenly spoke up.

"I must say, I did good. And now, I show you my masterpiece." Perrie sure does love being dramatic. She spun me around as I gaped at my reflection. It was gorgeous. My hair was in an updo, the back consisting of curls that were delicately pinned together. Part of the a small section of my hair was braided and lead into the curls. Perrie had cut my bangs a little and curled them so that they framed my face beautifully. My hair and makeup almost made me unable to recognize myself.

"Thank you so much Perrie!" I exclaimed as I stood up and gave her a big hug. She smiled and hugged back as we walked into big bedroom where the girls were getting dressed as we proceeded to do the same. After a lot of fumbling and scrambling around, all the girls were dressed and properly accessorized. I looked at the clock and saw that it was almost 6. The boys would here any minute so the girls and I just stood around talking until Mia heard the door open, giving way to boys.

They were all handsomely dressed in tuxedos and ties to match each of our dresses. Their mouthes dropped when they saw us.

"You all look magnificent. Like real princesses." Liam said as he walked over and kissed Mia's cheek.

Niall walked over to me, his eyes raking up and down my body causing me blush.

"You look amazing. Absolutely gorgeous." He whispered as he placed a gentle kiss on my lips. I smiled up at him, thanking him as I took hold of his arm and we headed down to the lobby.

Waiting for us outside the hotel was a huge black limo, big enough to fit all 12 of us. Apparently my parents were already at the event and had gone in an uber which Niall had gotten them. We all chatted, talking about our excitement when the driver said we had arrived at the venue. The boys stepped out one at a time, helping his date out of the limo then leading them up the path.

The venue was an enormous, elegant mansion with large windows overlooking the front garden, a large marble fountain adorned the pathway up the door. Leading up to the door were steps made of a marble similar to that of the fountain. At the top of the steps was a pair of large oak doors, detailed with silver vines. The doormen who stood outside opened the doors in perfect sync as we all stepped inside, preparing for an amazing night.

GAH. I know I know, late as always. I'm so sorry for the wait but hopefully the length of this chapter makes up for it? I love you guys so much and I can't believe we are at 1.48k reads! It's amazing because I never thought You & I would do so well. The picture is what Sophia's hair looks like after Perrie does it :3. The next chapter will be the actual party and I have some exciting things planned, both for the party and for future books. Sadly though, i believe next chapter will be the FINAL CHAPTER, and then there will be an epilogue and that will be the end of You & I. I'm gonna miss it. Next update will hopefully be for Keep Dancing. I love you guys and thank you. <3

You and I (A One Direction Fanfiction) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now