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Hello my lovely readers! Just have some stuff I wanna say to let ya know whats been going through my mind. :)

First Order of Business: I've (somewhat) decided the future of Keep Dancing story! I don't have too many ideas floating around in my head for Keep Dancing. Some of the ideas I had when I first started writing I have long forgotten. For example some stuff inspired by Zayn's leaving... yea I forgot them. So, in order to accommodate the few ideas that I still have, I have chosen to make Keep Dancing a little bit of a shorter story, meaning I will be ending it somewhere around 10 chapters. Not much, but I do have a few cute ideas. Which leads me to...

Second Order of Business: ANOTHER FANFICTION. Yay! I know :D I love writing, and wattpad is my outlet for that writing. A while ago, I really started getting into Nash Grier because, come on, he's a total babe and I can't resist the blue eyes. So this week, I was inspired and am brainstorming ideas for a new Nash Grier fiction. Now don't go saying "But Vanessa! Nash Grier isn't One Direction or 5 Seconds of Summer related!" I KNOW. I don't want to limit myself to only writing about them or just fan fictions in general. Actually....

Third Order of Business: I'm planning on posting one or two stories which are not fan fictions. Now don't worry, these potential stories won't be coming until the summer since I obviously am going to want to develop the Nash fanfic a bit. There is two stories in specific which I have been developing probably since late 8th grade, early 9th. Keep in mind, I'm a Junior now, aka 11th grade. So that's a long time that I've been working on them! These are stories which I have written purely out of enjoyment, each in their own notebook. I really look forward to posting them in the future because I love the ideas behind them. They have tons of magic and some good romance here in there and I can't wait to bring them to you!

Fourth Order of Business: You & I is ending soon! Yes, you read that correctly. I have one last chapter of You & I planned, followed by an epilogue. I know it's sad to think about, but all good things must come to an end.

Fifth Order of Business: I feel very official saying <blank> order of business. Haha. Anyways, let me know what you guys think! I will be posting this on my other stories as well so ya. Love you guys and thanks for all your support. ALSO: Can i just say how amazing you guys are for getting You & I to 2.1k reads?! I mean, just last month I was freaking out about 1.48k, and now its gone up by like 600 reads! It's crazy and mind-blowing and just makes me love you guys even more everyday. <3

You and I (A One Direction Fanfiction) *COMPLETED*Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora