Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

Niall's POV:

It's been about a week since New York, so we're currently in DC getting ready for our concert tonight. I haven't stopped thinking about Sophia. She's been all that has been on my mind. We had another concert at MetLife later that day anyways, so I couldn't talk to her. I Skyped her three days ago, but it wasn't for very long since I'm so busy with the tour.

I wanted to hear her sweet voice before I had to go for a soundcheck, so I pulled out my phone. Quickly unlocking it and swiping to the Skype app, I dialed Sophia. She picked up on the third ring, my face lighting up when I saw her.

"Hey Sophia! How are you?" I asked her. She smiled softly.

"I'm good. Currently sitting in my boiling hot living room watching tv. I was beginning to think you forgot about me since we haven't talked in a few days." Her voice trailed off and her smile faltered a bit. She looked down and tucked a hair behind her. I noticed the heart charm I had given her on her bracelet and smiled a little.

"No way! I couldn't possibly forget about you! I have been very busy with the tour though. Sorry about that." I noticed her smile widen a little bit. I could never forget about Sophia! She was unlike any girl I had met before.

"I can imagine." She laughed a little. I love her adorable laugh. I was going to say something before the door flew open.

"Niall, you're needed for sound check now. Hey Sophia." It was Paul. I frowned before looking back at my phone. This always happened. Whenever I got a chance to talk to her, even if it was for just a few minutes, I ended up having to go whether it be for a sound check, dressing, or a concert itself.

"Sorry Soph. I'll talk to you as soon as I can." I gave her an apologetic look and she gave me a sad smile.

"It's fine. Good luck tonight. Bye." Before I could say anything else, she hung up. I sighed as I got up and went with Paul for the soundcheck. I wish I could just talk with her for a little bit longer, or be with her again.

Sophia's POV:

"Sorry Soph. I'll talk to you as soon as I can." Niall gave me an apologetic look, I returned it with a sad smile. I hadn't had a real conversation with him, or really any of the boys since we hung out in New York. I really missed them and their craziness.

"It's fine. Bye." I hung up before the tears started to roll down my cheeks. I never should have let myself fall so hard. After Jason, I thought I would never like someone that way again. And now that I did, it was someone who was impossible. Niall would be on tour till early October. He's sure to forget about me by then. I wish he wouldn't, but I know it's another impossible wish. I looked down at my phone, staring at my wall paper. It was me and the boys laughing about who knows what.

I really wish that I didn't fall for Niall. He's an international star. He's talented, kind, smart, funny, and he could get any girl he wants. I just have to move on, and let go. I would never want to be a distraction or hold him back. I whipped away a tear as I picked up my phone and called Mia. If I was going to get over Niall, I was going to need Mia.


I took another sip of my mocha coffee. I was currently at Starbucks with Mia, trying to talk things out. I caught her up on everything that has happened since I met the boys. She was little jealous when I told her I went to New York with them, but she didn't stay mad.

"Well, I have to be honest, I think Niall really likes you too." Mia took a bite of her cookie after she spoke.

"Mia, he'll forget abut me soon enough. I know it. And I wouldn't want to hold him back anyways." I stared down at my hands. It was hard for me to admit. I don't want to forget about Niall. But at the same time, if I don't I will just miss him even more and hurt even more.

"If you're sure... I think the best way is to try and not really think about him or the other boys for a while. If he tries to talk to you, try to ignore him, but don't give him the complete cold shoulder. You'll get over him soon enough." Mia gave me a small smile before I nodded. This is best. I won't hold him back, and I won't have my heart broken again.

AN: Sorry it's been a few days since I last updated. I've been really busy with school. Anyways, thanks for reading, and please vote, comment, or follow me to show that you like this! Thanks diamonds! <3

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