Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Sophia's POV:

My captor had dragged me out of the penthouse and out back to the pool. To my surprise, it was already getting dark out. How long have we been playing?! I was snapped out of my thoughts by a laugh that was all too familiar.

"Louis." I grumbled as he laughed even harder.

"Ahhhh, the damsel in distress. Muahaha." Louis chuckled as he took his hand off of my mouth.

"Why didn't you just spray me upstairs and eliminate me instead of coming all the way out here?" Louis shrugged, but a malicious smile was clear on his face.

"I have different intentions." Before I could ask, Niall, Liam, Harry, Zayn, Lisa, and Mia all came running out of the hotel. They all seemed to have knowing faces of his intentions, but I was completely lost.

"Louis, just spray her and let her go. Don't do what your thinking." Zayn said as he cautiously stepped closer. They were all pleading Louis to stop, but he ignored them.

"Nah." Was his last response, and before I knew it, I was being thrown into the pool, clothes and all.

Third Person's POV:

Louis threw Sophia into the pool and was laughing maliciously.

"I win!" He laughed as everyone else just sent him glares, except for Niall who was currently ripping off his shoes.

"Louis you idiot! She may be able to swim, but how in the hell did you think she was going to swim with shoes and a thick ass sweater and with the water being freezing cold!?" Lisa exclaimed.

Sophia was currently struggling to swim up, but her shoes wouldn't allow her to and her sweater kept dragging her down. The water was freezing which wasn't helping the situation, until Niall jumped in and pulled her out. Sophia was coughing, trying to get the water out of her lungs as Niall hoisted her out of the pool.

"Sorry Soph. I guess I didn't really think things through." Louis gave her a guilty smile as he hugged her, but all the while she glared at him. Eventually she sighed in resignation as she hugged him back.

"It's ok Lou. You never think things through." Everyone laughed as they released the hug, Sophia shivering and sneezed. Niall walked over to her and put his hand on her forehead.

"You're a bit warm. We should get you upstairs and changed before you get even sicker." Niall said as he led her back upstairs.

Sophia's POV:

After getting back upstairs, Niall lent me one of his hoodies and some sweats, which were huge on me but I didn't care. Since the girls and I were sleeping over tonight, Lisa was staying with Harry, and Mia was staying with Liam. I was currently cuddling with Niall on his bed, taking in his warmth.

"Hey, Soph?" Niall whispered as I cuddled my head on his chest.

"Yea?" I sleepily mumbled.

"I love you." I smiled before responding.

"Love you too, NiNi."

"NiNi?" I lifted my head from his chest to see him giving me a confused look. I giggled softly at his confusion.

"Yes. NiNi. Because you're my NiNi." Niall opened his mouth to say something but simply chuckled and shook his head. I smiled as I leaned in and pecked him on the lips quickly. Niall pouted and I smiled as he pulled me back in for another kiss.

The second kiss was longer and soon enough, Niall was biting my lip asking for entrance. I teased him a bit by not letting him, but eventually he bit my lip a little harder making me gasp as he slipped his tongue into my mouth.

The kiss was very passionate and I didn't want it to end. My hands were running through Niall's hair, lightly tugging at it as his hands rested and my lower back, softly rubbing circles.

We finally broke apart, catching our breath. I rested my head on his chest as he pulled me closer and wrapped his arms around me. The steady rise and fall of his chest slowly lulled me to sleep.



I'm so sorry this is so short and I took so long to update! I've been busy and school starts next week. :/ I promise I will try to update more. And as you can see, I posted a new zayn fanfic called "keep dancing" so go check that out pweeeease! Ily guys so much and thank you for 400+ reads. <3

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