Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:

Sophia's POV:

I stood there, dumb founded. "Y-you remember me?" I pointed at myself as I noticed everyone else in the room had questioning looks on their faces.

"Y-yes of course." Niall's surprised face turned into a huge smile as he swallowed a mouthful of sandwich, and I couldn't help but smile too.

"Ummm, am I the only one who is confused?" Mia asked, realizing that the other boys were smirking as if they knew something. Di-did Niall say something to the boys?

"I'll just leave you all to talk..." Regina shifted around uncomfortably, finally all but walked out of the room to avoid the awkwardness. I took this as my cue to explain everything to Mia, as the boys listened curiously.

"Well, I feel the love." Mia scowled at me as I finished. Maybe I should have told her before... I'm so getting an earful on the way home.

"I didn't think it would be important since Niall probably wouldn't remember me..." I let my voice trail off. I really hadn't thought he would remember me. I just thought that tonight would be concert, meet the boys, and that's it.

"That's what you think." Zayn said softly as Niall pushed him off the couch. Harry and Louis broke out in laughter as Liam did a spit take and started laughing too.

"Hey! Watch the hair!" He quickly got up and walked over to the mirror. I couldn't help but let out a little giggle. Zayn really is OCD about his hair. I thought all those fanfictions were just exaggerating.

An awkward silence filled the room. I shifted around from foot to foot, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "So, um, you guys were great." I spoke breaking the silence.

"Thanks." Harry said as he smirked at me. "So Sophia, Mia, tell us about yourselves. I blushed a little as Mia immediately started talking about herself.


We all spoke for a little while, and at this point I felt like we had all been friends for forever. The boys are really sweet and they are hilarious too.

"So how long are you guys going to be in the area?" Mia asked. At this point, she was sitting next to Liam, playing a game on his phone with him. Every now and then, Liam would chuckle and give her a whole hearted smile. That's so cute. I smiled a little.

"We're going to be here for another few days since we have another concert here at MetLife tomorrow night." Niall said handing me a water bottle. I thanked him and blushed a little giving him a small smile.

"Cool. I hope you guys have fun. I love going to New York in the summer. It's really fun." I smiled and got up to go over to the garbage and throw something out. My head started pounding but I tried to ignore it.

"I loved it last time we were here." Liam spoke up. The boys were so great, and they were really genuine. All of a sudden, music started pounding.

"Come on! Even though we just performed, why don't we do some singing with these lovely girls." Harry yelled, and Louis instantly started singing. I laughed as we all started singing and dancing around.

10 minutes later, my head was pounding like crazy. I stopped dancing and stood still for a bit trying to steady myself, rubbing my temples. My head started spinning, and when I opened my eyes, the room was too. I closed my eyes, darkness enveloping me.

Niall's POV:

I was having such a great time with Sophia, Mia, and the boys. And Sophia was an amazing singer. I especially loved when she sang You & I. She put so much emotion and sincerity into it. I noticed she had stopped dancing and was clutching her head. I started walking towards her, worried, when she started falling. I dashed over and caught her before she hit the ground.

"Sophia!" Mia and I yelled as I picked her up bridal style and placed her on the couch. She was pale as a ghost. Harry quickly turned off the music and Liam shot by Sophia's side.

"What happened?! Why did she pass out?" Liam and I questioned looking at her pale face.

"Oh my god! Her sugar!" Mia yelled, face palming. Louis and Zayn had gone to fetch Paul.

"Her what?" I asked.

"Her sugar. She's diabetic, all the excitement of the night and she hasn't eaten in a while. Her sugar must be low and that's why she passed out. Do you have like some juice or something?" Mia spoke quickly.

Harry quickly grabbed some apple juice from the mini fridge and lifted her head gently, helping her drink the juice.

Paul came in and Liam quickly started explaining to him what Mia said. This is not good. I hope she gets better quickly.

"Right, well she is definitely in no condition to go on a long car ride back to her home. But we also have to inform her parents of what has happened. Mia, do you have any idea what Sophia's passcode is so I can contact her parents?" Mia nodded and began rummaging through Sophia's bag. She pulled out her phone and quickly started dialing Sophia's parents and handed the phone to Paul.

"Hi Mrs.Williams..." Paul walked to the corner of the room. He started speaking in a hushed tone. Her mother must be worried out of her mind.

I sighed in relief as I looked at Sophia, noticing her color coming back to her face. Please be ok now and wake up soon, Sophia.


Oh snap, stuff just happened! Haha, hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm working on length and detailing more. Please vote, comment, or follow me. It lets me know I have people who like my writing. Thank you so much guys. Love you diamonds. <3

Ps- I'm trying to come up with a posting schedule that's convenient for me with school but that at the same time I don't have what ever readers I have waiting for forever for an update.

I would also like to say something that I guess I didn't really clarify. This story is taking place a few months from now, aka August 2014. I will also hopefully be going to one of their MetLife shows in August and might actually get to go backstage and meet them, which was the inspiration for this Fanfiction. :3 a girl can dream, can't she?

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