Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

"Ouch." I mumbled as I fell and hit my butt.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry." It was a guy with a familiar accent, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. He extended his hand to help me up, and I gladly took it as I got up and rubbed my sore butt. I straightened out my shirt and fixed my hair. I hadn't yet looked at this guy.

"Don't be, it was my fault." I looked up at the guy I had bumped into, my jaw dropping as I recognized his face, even with the darkness of the store. "Y-you-you're-" I stuttered softly. He clapped his hand over my mouth.

"Please, please don't freak out." His accent rang clearly in my ears, his voice sounding like music. He slowly lifted his hand off my mouth, slowly stepping closer to me, looking at me with pleading eyes. I could smell his amazing cologne as he came closer.

"I won't. I promise." I shook my head assuring him I wouldn't freak out. "Your Niall Horan, aren't you?" I whispered to the adorable blonde. Can I just say, he looks even cuter in person?! His blue eyes were stunning.

He nodded and flashed me a smile that could make any girl scream, but I contained my excitement. "Yes I am. And can I just ask you one thing?" I nodded my head quickly, because if I opened my mouth I knew I would say something stupid. "I know I asked you not too, but most girls would anyway. How come you didn't freak out or anything?" His accent made me want to melt.

"Well, I am most certainly a fan. But, I know that if I freaked out, we would have gotten people's attention and that would have been the end of your shopping trip. I respect the fact that everyone, even international stars like your self, want some time to themselves without being bombarded." I smiled softly as I whispered to Niall.

"Wow, that's a first. You're definitely gonna be someone to remember. Most girls wouldn't even think twice before screaming." He chuckled a little. "So, I'm guessing since your a fan, your going to be at the concert on Monday?"

My face lit up. "I am, actually. My friend Mia got tickets from her aunt." I didn't explain further because I didn't think it was important. I nervously twiddled my thumbs, trying hard to contain my excitement.

"Oh, ok. Maybe I'll see you in the audience." Niall smiled to me as we slowly started to walk towards the exit.

"Maybe." I smiled a huge smile and thanked the lord I looked presentable today. I almost face palmed myself. "Oh, wait! Do you think I could get your autograph please? If it's not too much of a bother of course." I shyly asked as I reached into my bag for my sharpie and my camera case. Might as well get something signed if he says yes, right?

Niall chuckled before signing my camera case and ended it with a smiley face. I could have died right now, and never had any regrets. We stood there for a bit, talking like we had known each other for years. We stepped out of Hollister and into the bright corridors of the mall. "So Sophia, maybe I'll-"

"Oh my god!!! It's Niall Horan!!!" He was cut off by the screams of fan girls. Niall went pale before he stared down at the sunglasses in his hand which he must gave forgotten to put on.

"Shit. Gotta go!" He yelled as he ran off in the other direction, the directioners running after him. Heheh, get it? Other direction? No? Ok...

I smiled to myself as I started to walk off, looking at my case. I cannot believe I just met the Niall Horan, and he signed my case, and he said I would be someone to remember!! Life=Complete.

AN: Thanks for reading! I'm trying to work on chapter lengths cause I feel it's a bit short. Thanks diamonds. <3 ;)

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