Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

*Beep Beep Beep*

"Mhpmm" I turned on my side, reaching for my phone on the side of my bed. A text? This early in the morning? And while on summer vacation? This better be important.

I stood up from my bed and decided to head over to the bathroom and fix my bird's-nest bed head before answering the text. I looked into the mirror, my honey eyes sparkling, and my light chocolate brown hair sticking up in all directions. I moaned as I pulled the brush through my hair, leaving it in soft semi-curls. I brushed my teeth like I usually do, then noticed the lines on the wall behind me. I laughed.

I've been living in the same little apartment for my whole life, 18 years. The familiar lines made me smile. They were the lines my parents drew of my height every year on my birthday. It's amazing, I remember when I was 6 I was so short, and everything seemed gigantic. Now I'm 18 and I'm 5'1". I laughed as I walked out of the bathroom and back into my room.

I stretched before grabbing my phone to look at who had texted me. It was my friend Mia. She was one of my closest friend, and the one I always look to to fan girl with.

Mia: Hey girly! Wanna hang today? I got some exciting news!! :D

I smiled before thinking. Today is Wednesday July 30th. It should be fine since its summer.

Me: Sure. Meetcha in two hours at the mall? :)

With that, I got up and went over to my wardrobe looking through my clothes. I decided on a washed out pair of jean shorts, a flowy lavender tank top, and my favorite black flats. I grabbed the clothes and headed into the bathroom, not bothering to lock the door since my parents were at work and my sister was away in the Air Force.

--2 Hours Later--

I got off the bus and ran across the parking lot, my soft curls bouncing on my back. When I got inside, my face lit up as I saw Mia.

"Hey girly girl! How's your summer going?" I asked her enveloping her in a hug. She smiled as we pulled apart.

"Good, and my news is going to make both of our summers great!" I laughed as Mia dramatically spoke. She loved being dramatic and the center of attention.

We walked around the mall for a while, mostly doing some window shopping, occasionally going into stores with good sales. By now, we were on line at the food court getting some lunch. We decided to get some famous bowls from KFC.

"Ok, so what's this awesome news you want to tell me?" I smiled as we sat down at an empty table. Even though it was a weekday, the mall was still pretty packed so we got lucky.

"Ok. So my aunt Regina didn't get me a Christmas present because she said she wanted to wait to give it to me." Mia started to explain, unable to wipe the smile off her face, I nodded for her to continue on.

"Well, yesterday she came to my house and said it was time for me to get my present. She got me..." She paused for dramatic effect. I swear, this girl can never resist. "2 tickets to One Direction's Where We Are concert at the MetLife stadium!!! Front row!!" My mouth was hanging wide open, then I let out the biggest fan girl scream ever.

If most of you didn't know, One Direction is my favorite group ever. They were my inspiration, especially since they came from a very humble background like myself, and I also loved to sing. I guess I must have spaced out, because Mia was waving her hand in front of my face. I shook my head before looking at her again, the biggest smile in the world plastered on her face.

"That's not all. My aunt was able to get such great seats for the concert because she is the head at MetLife and she's going to be working the concert. So, she said she could get us backstage and introduce us to the boys!" At this point Mia couldn't contain her happiness and she was squealing and wiggling around in her seat. I cannot believe I'm going to be front row at a One Direction concert! Someone pinch me, this clearly must be a dream.


So this is my first Fanfiction ever and I hope you guys enjoy! Be sure to leave a comment if you have any suggestions for me or just to let me know if you like the story! I will try to update 2 or 3 more times this week to get the story started, then I'm gonna go for atleast 1 or two chapters a week. :D enjoy!

You and I (A One Direction Fanfiction) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now