19- Deep Sleep

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The next morning Harry woke up and looked outside his window to see that the sun was higher than usual meaning he had slept in. Quickly, he pulled on a pair of black trousers and a plain grey jumper, he was about to rush down the stairs when the sound of his feet slapping against the wooden floors reminded him. Socks. Speedily slipping on a pair of socks he ran down the stairs and into the dinning room fully prepared to spit out every excuse to, the surely annoyed, potions master waiting for him to arrive for breakfast but was quickly stopped in his tracks once he entered the room.

Snape was nowhere in sight but Draco was sitting in his usual spot at the table. Draco scooped up his last bite and went to stand up when he spotted Harry. "Severus is sleeping in."

"Oh" was all he said. The Slytherin rolled his eyes at him and left the room heading towards the direction of the library.

Harry sat down in his usual seat and began eating in silence, contemplating several different things through this meal. Why did he feel jealous of Draco Malfoy of all people? He's nothing but a spoiled pure-blooded rich prat that thinks he's above everyone else and Snape is just a mean greasy git that gets off on bullying students. It dosent make sense, why would he want anything to do with the both of them? But then he remember how Snape saved him during quidditch, how Snape protected him against a werewolf even after Harry had knocked him out with a spell, how Snape was trying to teach him occlumency, how Snape had always been truthful to him even when it would hurt how he wouldn't keep secrets and believed that Harry should be treated just like everyone else.

'To be fair, he hasn't been so bad since I got here' he grudgingly admitted to himself. Harry finished his meal and thought about what he would do in order to fill up his time. He had finished his summer homework ages ago and had thoroughly explored all of the land available to him within the wards leaving him with nothing new. Deciding all that was left available for him to do was grab a book and read. He unenthusiastically stood from the table and headed towards his bedroom to finish reading some book he found on the shelf earlier in the week. It was about some detective like man and his roommate who solved all sorts of crime cases. He thought it was pretty interesting anyways.

Upon entering his room he reached into his trunk to search for any leftover magical candy he may have from hogsmead weekends during the previous school year but came across something else entirely. Letting out a gasp, Harry pulled out the books he had bought in knockturn alley nearly 2 weeks ago. He pulled out the three books, one of defensive magic, the second on offensive magic and the last was simply someone's old potions journal that he hoped would help him in the upcoming year.

He put two of the books away and kept the potions one out, figuring it was the one he would need the most for this year. He cracked it open, hearing the spine let out a creak in protest.

Upon further inspection he noticed a signature on the inside of the back cover signed with 'the half blood prince' Harry rolled his eyes, what does that even mean? Who called themselves a prince? He mused to himself. He returned to the front of the journal and began to read from the beginning.

About an hour later he was two chapters in and Harry had to admit that for the first time he can recall he enjoyed reading a school related book, and potions at that! The person who was writing in the journal had a nice sense of humour and even made Harry laugh out loud on a few occasions with the sarcastic things he would write down in response to something the original author had written out. He noted that the 'prince' seemed to always be in a mood and seemed to be rather bossy, rude, sarcastic and even on a few occasions would say something rather petty making Harry laugh.

It had to have been at least a few hours later when he closed the book, setting it on the bedside table, and that was only because he heard the floo go off in the living room. Harry stood up and reached his arms above his head, standing on his tippy toes he let out a yawn as he stretched. He then headed downstairs to see who had come to visit, assuming of course, that it was the headmaster of the conversation he has listened in on last night was anything to go by.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2021 ⏰

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