10- friends ✔️

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Snape with a friend?

"What would master like to drink?" Tibby asked as he appeared next to the dinner table looking at Snape with wide eyes. "I'll have a water." He looked over to Harry and when he continued to sit silently he raised a brow in annoyance.

Shaking his head slightly snapping himself out of his thought he quickly replied that he would like a water as well. With a nod Tibby disappeared with a crack.

Harry took a bite of his meal watching unblinkingly as Snape did the same still trying to imagine him with a friend. In the theatres! Watching a movie together.

"Stop staring at me Potter. It's not only rude but also quite unnerving." Snape sneered out. Harry blinked and then put some pasta onto his fork. "You were with a friend?" He asked without thinking and immediately shoved the food into his mouth and looked down as to avoid eye contact with the man. There was a crack next to Harry as Tibby appeared once more dropping off the drinks they had requested before leaving once more.

Harry nervously looked up after a few moments of silence wondering, hoping, that Tibby had distracted Snape from what he had asked. That was unfortunately not the case. As he looked up he locked eyes with Snape who seemed to be examining his face for something, eyes narrowed.

Seeming to come to a conclusion to his examination he looked away and to a sip of water before replying with a simple 'yes'. Which Harry responded (unwittingly) with an 'oh'.

They both went back to eating silently. Harry fidgeting with his hand under the table while his other continued to feed himself. Snape on the other hand seemed completely unfazed at the conversation or how awkward Harry felt himself. 'I'm talking civilly with Snape, the greasy bat, of all people.' He thought.

Suddenly, stupidly, Harry spoke once more. "I've never seen you with a friend before." Nearly slapping himself from his own stupidity he shoved another forkful of food into his mouth. 'I'm treading on dangerous grounds.' He thought to himself.

"So I am to assume you've seen the other professors with friends?" Snape drawled casting his eyes up from his plate to watch Harry. "Well I have seen some." Harry agreed, Snape merely raised an eyebrow placing his fork down giving his attention to the boy who swallowed nervously.

"I've, er- seen professor lupin with friends, and uh.." he trailed off desperately trying to think of another situation. "- and Madame Hooch! She was with a friend once! I saw them at the three broomsticks during a Hogsmead trip." He said confidently with a self satisfied nod. Looking at Snape he saw him still with an brow raised but now holding an unimpressed look to go along with it. He swallowed nervously once more taking a gulp of the cold water wetting his dry throat.

"They're dead." Was all Snape said and Harry nearly choked on his water letting out a startled cough causing Snape to smirk and Harry glare. "Who's dead?" He asked. Last time he checked both Hooch and Remus were very much alive! Maybe he was taking about Hooch's friend he had seen?

"My friend. They died later that same year." Snape said face blank and voice void of any emotion and Harry looked at him with pity. He felt bad thinking how Snape probably didn't have many friends to begin with and he was now even fewer. "Don't look at me like that." Was snapped at him.

"Like what?" Confused his eyebrows furrowed. "Pity. You don't know anything. And I do not appreciate it Potter." Snape growled and harry looked down. He didn't know anything and had no right to make assumptions. He didn't even know why he was talking to the professor, 'it's not like he's good company' Harry thought bitterly.

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