3-breakfast ✔️

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Harry woke up and rolled over snuggling deeper into the covers taking in a deep breath and letting out a sigh wondering why his bed felt so much more comfortable that morning when the memories came rushing back and he slowly sat up and looked out the window to see the sun just rising and decided to go make the breakfast he'd been trained to do. He saw a pair of dark blue slim jeans along with a black T-shirt that looked about his size, Harry guessing Snape had placed them there for him so he slipped off his night clothes and put those on.

"Tibby" Harry whispered and with a crack there was a young looking elf with large black eyes and a dark grey pillowcase on with large ears. The elf's eyes went wide. "Yous is Harry's Potter?" It asked with a young squeaky voice eyes wide. "I's is Tibby, master Severus' elf."

"Yes, nice to meet you, um I was wondering if you could show me where the kitchen is?" Harry asked politely kneeling down next to the elf as to not be looking down at him and the elf's eyes went even more wide. "Oh yous i's very very kind, i's like you follow me follow me." The elf said grabbing Harry hand but quickly pulling away eyes wide but now with fear.

"You okay?" Harry asked the frightened elf. "Oh i's is sorry, so sorry." The elf said and started pulling its ears most painfully as to punish its self and Harry rushed over pulling its hands away. "Hey, hey stop, what are you doing that for?" He asked holding the elf's hands away from himself so he can't cause anymore harm.

"I touched you's without permission, I am so sorry mister potter." The elf cried and Harry rolled his eyes. "Look," Harry stood back up but kept hold of one of the elf's hands "it's fine, don't hurt yourself you did nothing wrong. Call me Harry too." He added as an after thought. "Oh goodness you is to nice to me, I show you kitchen." The elf said keeping a hold of Harry's hand and leading him down the hall way. There were portraits on the black walls and dark red carpet throughout the house as far as Harry could see and doors every now and then. "Who are these portraits of." Harry asked quietly not wanting any of the glaring pictures to hear. "Those is master Severus' old relatives anywhere from a couple years to 300 years." The young elf claimed. "There's is also famous potion masters who are now long gone here. This is the kitchen." The elf said opening a door showing Harry the large kitchen.

"Thank you, I may need your help to show me where the ingredients are." Harry admitted once he saw how many drawers and shelves there were. "I'm going to be making French toast, omelets, bacon, sausages, fruit salads, toast and strawberry jam." Harry said and began looking around for the proper pans and turned on the stove. "I will get Harry what he needs." The elf said and scurried around the kitchen pulling out the proper bowls, mixers and ingredients. "Thank you, do you mind if I make it alone this once? And you can get a head start on your other chores." Harry asked and the elf looked like it was about to object but then quickly nodded and left as Harry yelled out a thank you to him.

Harry scrambled the eggs and chopped the vegetables mixing them in before pouring it into the pan to let it cook, he then took out the bacon and sausages throwing them on the stove as well. Harry turned around and started to peel and chop up the mangos and pineapples to throw into the smoothie before heading back over to the eggs and bacon as it blended to put the cheese between the eggs then flipping it along with the bacon and sausages.

Once he poured the smoothie into two glasses he began to make the French toast and fruit salad. when all was complete he placed everything neatly onto two different plates with the fruit salad in two separate bowls then looking out the window to see the sun fully risen and was probably about 7:30-8:00am. He then called Tibby back and asked if he could show him where the dinning room is.

"Oh i will takes that for you, you can grabs my hand and I will Apparate us and foods to table." Tibby said with a smile and Harry nodded grabbing the elf's small boney hand and then felt like he was being sucked into a tube and then spit out so when he opened his eyes he saw a small wood dinning room table with only 4 chairs and a smaller chandelier on top with a fireplace behind him. "This is where master eats his meals when only having little company. Through that door is the large dinning room but he rarely uses it and through that door is the living room." The elf said pointing to doors on opposite sides of the room while still hovering the food in front of them.

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