11- Portraits

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"Master is wanting yous to get ready for breakfast sir." Harry heard someone say in a high pitched voice. He forced his eyelids open only to wince at the light the sun allowed in, taking a moment to allow his eyes to adjust before sitting up and reaching blindly for his glasses. Once on his face he looked around and saw Tibby standing at the side of the bed. "What'd you say." He mumbled stretching his arms out.

"Master Severus is asking me to tell yous that breakfast will be ready in thirty minutes and that yous is needing to get ready and come down." Harry nodded and let out a yawn before swinging his legs over the side of the bed. Tibby disappeared with a nod and a crack causing Harry to start slightly then curse himself for being jumpy and blamed it on his morning haze. Placing his feet on the floor that was pleasantly warm floor caused by the sun shinning through the window, he stood up giving one last cat like stretch and a yawn he opened up his trunk and pulled out a worn pair of jeans and a plain grey t-shirt heading over to the bathroom. He took one look in the mirror and grimaced.
He looked tired and worn.
Harry sighed and rubbed his eyes before turning on the shower and beginning to strip tossing his dirty clothes into a hamper watching as they disappeared and stared in shock for a moment before simply shrugging. 'I'll ask about it later.' He thought then stepped into the hot shower. He stood there for a moment, head looking down as he allowed the hot water to pour onto his head, shoulders and back, running down his chest and legs. His body started to burn and turn red from the heat so he finally decided to turn it down to a comfortable warmth rather than the scalding hot.

Once finished he stepped out and quickly got dressed in the pair of muggle jeans and simple shirt before walking out fo the bathroom and down the hallway, then down the stairs where he ended up in the same living room he had eavesdropped on the headmasters and Snape's conversation only hours earlier.  He looked out the window that was looking out onto the backyard, like his bedroom window, he watched as a few birds flew around in the sky before landing in the pond. With a small smile he walked over to the dining room where he saw Snape take a drink of what Harry assumed was coffee considering the dark colour and the mug. His smile dropped as he once again remembered his current situation regarding the rest of the summer.

"Again, in case you have forgotten, which I don't doubt you would, I am not going to give you a hand written invitation to sit down and eat." Snape said without looking up from his daily prophet. Harry glared and walked the rest of the way over, bare feet slapping on the ground as he did so, and pulled out the chair before sitting down. Almost immediately after he had pulled his chair up the food appeared revealing a plate full of eggs and bacon along with a glass of pumpkin juice for Harry. They both quickly dug in (Snape more calmly) and started to enjoy the meal in silence.
Harry, never one for silence was trying to think of a way to break it without making it awkward or forced.
"Uh, is there anything important or interesting in the prophet today?" He asked after a few minutes and they had both eating enough to have slowed down.

Snape looked up and studied Harry, as if he was a rare ingredient before stating a simple 'No' and taking another bite of his food. "Oh" Harry said. Now at a loss on what to talk about but was quickly saved. When it was Snape who, surprisingly, broke the silence first for once. 

"I thought I had told you to wear socks, you'll get sick. Or is that what you want? More people to fondle and look after you?" Snape commented with his usual raised eyebrow with a scowl in place. Quickly making sure his anger was in check, not wanting to provoke the man more, he clenched his hand around his fork before releasing. "I forgot, and I won't get sick I'm fine." He said shoving some bacon in his mouth.

"You will be staying here for the rest of the summer under Dumbledore's orders." Snape said just after they finished eating. Tibby showed up with a crack taking the plates and Harry thought about how to react. He, of course, already knew but Snape didn't know that. Realizing he had been silent for to long judging by Snape's narrowed eyes he spoke up. "What about when the Weasleys get back?" He asked, he was wondering that earlier too, they wouldn't be gone the whole summer, he was sure of it. "Albus believe it would be to dangerous for not only you but also the Weasleys if you were to stay there because of their lack of wards." Harry felt a frown form in his face. "Well what about your wards, they can't be any better than theirs." Harry grumbled taking a drink of the juice that still remained.

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