12- Malfoys

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For the next week he spent all of his time in the spare room he was occupying. Only leaving to eat meals or, on occasion, go into the library only to grow bored within the hour and leave again heading back to the spare room. Those days passed by excruciatingly slow with the same routine. Wake up, go to breakfast, head back to the room and look out the window for the next four and a half hours counting birds as they pass by (So far his record was 117 in one sitting) and just simply staring out into oblivion lost in his thoughts. After lunch he would head back to the room once again and try to read but usually could only do it for about 20 minute intervals meaning in between these reading phases he would simply sit on the bed bored or he would shower if he felt he needed it. This went on to occupy the next six hours until it was dinner time. After he finished his dinner he would head to the library for as long as it could hold his attention (not very long) then he would cave and simply head back to the room until he eventually fell asleep or it was lights out.
This routine added up to create a painfully boring week for Harry. It was now already the 15th of July.

"Headmaster Dumbledore has requested that we resume occlumency training as soon as possible." Harrys head jerked up from where it was previously propped up on an open hand as he dozed off at the library desk, a charms book open in front of him on a random page.

Harry simply stared at him for a moment, eyes still glazed over from his drowsiness, but then the words sunk in and his eyes immediately cleared and went wide. Arm falling, palm slapping against the table. Snape would have found his reaction amusing if he didn't feel the same way, although he would never express it. "What? Why?" He asked in a slightly panicked voice, looking as though he did not agree with this new development at all. "The dark lord is growing stronger everyday and once he finds out about how truly deep this... connection.. you share, he will exploit it. He will use it to harm you in more ways then he has already done." Harry continued to look like he would still rather not do it. Snape let out a breath of annoyance.

"Tell me Potter, when he casts a curse do you deal this pain? Do experience the effects?" He drawled and Harry scrunched his face up in an annoyed manner. "Yes, but not to the same degree that the victim usually does, unless he's really mad." He grumbled out reluctantly.

"And he does not know you feel these curses, only that you see it happening, sometimes even without his knowledge, correct? But what will happen once he realizes you are seeing more that he knows? What do you believe he will make you feel once he realizes you feel the curses he throws? Will he not throw curses simply to harm you? He will kidnap more people and torture with the intention of making you watch and will have great satisfaction knowing you are feeling the same pain as them. If he so pleased he could simply kill you through this bond." Snape looked over at Harry who was looking down at his hands now, eyebrows furrowed. He noticed how his face had paled considerably and he was picking at his cuticles in what Snape assumed was nerves.

"Fortunately, the dark lord has yet to realize this meaning we have time to stop the problem before it even begins in earnest. Don't take this opportunity for granted you foolish boy. There are lives at stake. You can't simply not co-"

"Alright I'll learn occlumency"

"You will not interrupt me Potter. As I was saying there are lives at stake. You can't simply just not cooperate. We will begin these lessons tomorrow evening at 7:30 for an hour. I suggest you read and learn as much as you can on the topic until then to attempt to prepare yourself for once." With that Snape turned and stalked out of the room robes billowing behind him. Harry sighed and rubbed his temples.
This is going to be a long summer.



Harry's head snaps up and immediately from the occlumency book he was reading in the spare bed. He looks towards the closed door of the room, eyes wide. He hears a groan then what sounds like a continuous strings of curses coming from down the hallway and he opens his door just as Snapes walking by.

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