13- Letters✔️

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"Can I go back upstairs?" All three heads snapped to Harry who was sitting awkwardly on the chair biting his bottom lip in nerves. Snape eyed him critically. "It's sir and yes you may." He said making sure to emphasize the word so that Harry knew he messed up not only once but twice. Because of this his face went slightly red in embarrassment before quickly standing up and heading towards the stairs in an attempt to get as far away from the Malfoys as possible, still not trusting them in the least bit.

As he made it to the room he sat down on the edge of the bed and simply thought. 'So Regulus must be a friend, and by the sounds of it he has died' he let out a shiver at the thought. He couldn't even imagine having Hermione or Ron pass away. 'That still doesn't mean he was a good person, the Malfoy's aren't but they seem to be quite close to Snape as-well,
hell,' he thought. 'Snape isn't a good person either.' He heard footsteps coming closer to his room snapping him out of his own thoughts and he looked towards the door, still wary.

Without so much as a knock, the door was opened once more to the sight of Draco Malfoy standing there striding in and shutting said door behind him. "Couldn't even knock like a decent person could you Malfoy." Harry glared at him but only got an eye roll for a response which caused him to frown. "We have to call a truce." Malfoy said and Harry nearly reeled back. 'Hell no, I would rather choke and have you take me to Voldemort then be kind to you' he thought but in reality all that came out was "why the hell would I do that?" Malfoy leaned his back against the wall next the the door with his arms crossed watching Harry avidly.

"If we are to spend the rest of this week together i would rather not have to watch my back every second of the day and Uncle will certainly not take kindly to our constant fights."

Harry eyed him carefully, there just had to be something he wasn't seeing. There's no way Malfoy would agree to this.., and why does he keep calling Snape 'uncle'.

"Oh for merlins sake Potter it's only for a week!" Malfoy snapped but Harry merely continued to watch him for a moment before letting out a reluctant sigh. "Alright then fine. No fighting for this week." Malfoy gave a nod and then left the room without another word and, much to Harry's annoyance, left the door wide open behind him. 'Bloody pounce probably did that on purpose.' He thought as he stood up angrily and stomping over towards the door about to slam it shut to show his annoyance but quickly thought better and simply shut it not wanting an angry Snape to come up and shout at him.

As he sat back down he moved to the center of his bed leaning against the bed frame. Suddenly what he had just agreed to fully hit him and he groaned putting his head in his hands. 'Ron's going to kill me'.
He hadn't talked to either of his friends since they left the platform after exiting the train. With his thoughts refusing to leave his friends he realized how lonely he truly felt here, not to mention how awful he felt about all that's happened recently. Sirius dying, Hedwig nearly killed, and Cedric. With all this on his mind he decided it was probably in his best interest to talk to someone about it. Realizing the only people near were The Malfoy's and Snape he pulled out some parchment and ink to write a letter to his friends. He opened the black ink pot dipped his quill in, and after tapping off the excess ink droplets, he got to writing.

Sorry I haven't written yet but you know how hard it is considering the times and who I live with. In fact the only reason I can write to you now is because I've been moved away from the Dursley's and into Snape's home. Yeah, SNAPE's home, it's surprisingly not that bad here other than lack of human interaction and I have to deal with complete utter boredom. You won't believe what I've done... I've taken up READING RON bloody reading! I'm losing my mind in this place, slowly but surely I'm going to die of boredom but Anyways, how is your summer going? I heard you were in Romania visiting Charlie for majority of the summer, sounds like a blast. Well, I hope everything's going fine with you guys.

Quickly after re reading the letter he scribbled a-

Ps tell everyone I say hello and I hope they're all doing well!

He set the letter aside and pulled out one more parchment.

Before you even think it. I've completed all my homework so don't bring it up in your letter of reply. Now to the point, hey, lll also say the same thing I said to Ron which is sorry I couldn't write anything sooner but you know how my summers always go. Well actually this ones been pretty different so far, I've been moved in with Snape for the unseeable future, Dumbledore's decided that I also still need to learn occlumency so we're going to start that up again, other than that though life had been bland since I got here, in fact there is absolutely nothing to do. I've taken up reading, though I will admit I still can't do it for more than 20 minutes at a time, anyways how have you been? I know you've probably already done all your homework as well as along with some other extra class stuff that wasn't even asked of you. Also, do you have any plans for the rest of the summer, I know your family usually goes on some type of trip.
Talk to you soon,

Placing the to parchments on the desk he blew on the gently to aid the ink in drying before rolling it up. It was in that moment he realized he had no way to send it, with sending Hedwig to hogwarts. "Dobby?" He spoke aloud quietly a little afraid Snape would hear him, not exactly sure how the professor would react to having a stranger house elf be in his home uninvited.

"Harry Potter sir is wanting to speak with Dobby?" The loud crack and voice made him quickly turn and catch sight of the elf standing on the end of his current bed. "Yes, I was wondering if you could possibly send Hedwig back here? Or Uh, maybe tell Hagrid to send her to me?" He asked and Dobby nodded. "Of course but wouldn't Harry Potter prefer if Dobby simply went and brought her here?"

Harry was about to reply with 'You can do that?' But before he could get a single word out Dobby had already begun pulling at his ears most painfully. "Dobby shouldn't question Mr Harry Potter! Dobby is a bad house elf!"

"Stop it Dobby! Stop it! It's fine really, I'm glad you told me!" Harry quickly whisper shouted at the elf and grabbed the elf's arms to stop him from his painful tugging. Said elf looked up at Harry with large wide eyes. "Now, can you really get Hedwig?" He asked slowly letting go of the elf worried he would begin to harm himself once more.

"Of course Harry Potter Sir!" The elf was nearly bouncing on the balls of his feet. When Harry agreed he was gone in the blink of an eye, a few moments later he appeared once more in the same spot but now with Hedwig standing on his head nipping at one of Dobbys overly large ears. Once the owl caught sight of Harry she quickly flew over and landed onto his shoulder letting out a trill while attempting to fix Harry's hair with her beak. "Hey girl," he gave her a few pats and she ruffled her feathers. "Thanks Dobby!" He turned and gave his elf friend a smile who look at him with wide eyes "of course Mr Harry Potter! I is always happy to help! Anytime!" He beamed but his face quickly fell slightly. "But I is needing to go back to hogwarts now sir, I am required in the kitchens once more"

"That's alright Dobby, thanks again" Then the elf was gone once more and Harry turned back around to collect the two scrolls. Tying them both in a green ribbon that he had found in the desk drawer he handed them over to Hedwig. "This one is for Hermione and this one is for Ron okay? Give hermione hers first and you can stay there for the night so you can rest up before flying all the way to Romania if you want." Giving a trill, a shake of her feathers and a nip on Harry's earlobe she took the scrolls and flew out the open window into to darkening night sky.

"Potter! what house elf was just here!"

Turning around he saw Snape standing at the door way looking quite mad and Harry gulped.

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