2- healing ✔️

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"Snapmint manor!" Harry shouted and was immediately engulfed in bright green flames then shot out of another fireplace onto the ground. Without even looking at where he was, just knowing he was away from his uncle meaning he was safe, he tuned onto his knees tears still streaming down his cheeks as he sobbed opening the cage pulling Hedwig out carefully to get a good look at her. "No, no please no, Hedwig I'm so sorry I should have sent you home with someone else or left you at hogwarts. I'm so sorry no please don't leave it's going to be okay, please I'll- I'll find a way to help j- just stay awake okay girl? Just stay strong please don't leave me alone." Harry sobbed, nearly frantic, holding her close to his chest, shoulders shaking as her wing stuck out in 2 different odd angles and both feet were obviously broken as well and she was also bleeding from somewhere, her breathing shallow.

Harry only held her close grieving for the soon to be loss of his familer, the last resemblance of his childhood, his only family. He held her close and she breathed in shallow breaths as silent tears streamed down Harry's hot face shoulders racking and all Harry could think was about how warm he was and how he just watched Hedwig be beat to what will be her death and how it was, once again, all his fault. Hedwig gave out a pitiful trill which was how she had always told him she loved him while giving him a nip.

"No Hedwig please, I love you too, I'm sorry, please don't leave me alone, you're all I have." He started crying out loud again holding her impossibly closer when suddenly she was ripped out of his grasp causing Harry to let out a loud gasp and a sudden loud sob as even more tears poured down his face as he struggled to stand and take Hedwig back from whoever was with him.

"S-Snape?" Harry gasped in shock but didn't dwell on how or why the professor was in an abandoned house. "Oh please help her! Please sir!" Harry cried and Snape simply looked at the owl in his hands before quickly taking long strides out of the room Harry trying to follow but limping behind.

"Potter, you stay out I will try and fix her, then me and you will have a chat." He glared at Harry who was about to protest but the door was already slammed in his face so he let out a sigh knowing at least now she had a chance at surviving and so he sunk down his back against the wall outside the door with his knees against his chest arms wrapped around himself protectively as he drifted of to sleep.


"Potter!" Harry heard someone snap and he quickly stood but let out a loud gasp as pain shot through his left ankle. Looking down he saw it was twisted in an off angle. "Damn it Potter" Snape said when suddenly he took out his wand causing Harry to flinch and then he was levitating in the air and brought down the hallway. "Hey! Where are you taking me? Why are you here?" Harry shouted confused and panicked when suddenly he remembered Hedwig "Hey! Where's my owl? What did you do to her!" He was now thrashing in the air trying to get out of his gasp.

What if he takes me to Voldemort?! What if he already called him, what if he killed Hedwig and threw her in one of his horrid potions? All these thoughts were flying though his head as he thrashed in the air trying but failing to break free. "Would you stop. I'm trying to heal you brat." Snape snapped at him causing Harry to flinch once more but stopped struggling realizing it's not going to help any.

"Where are you taking me?" He asked with a glare but was ignored so he decided to look around and try to figure out where exactly he was. There were moving portraits of people on the wall who all watched him with disapproval. Suddenly Snape opened a door and brought him through to a large living room with dark brown walls, a larger black leather couch and an old dark wooden coffee table. Harry looked around in awe at how beautiful it was, there was a large fireplace and light brown hard wood floors, there was small tables on either side of the couch with a framed picture on each along with a few framed pictures on the wall. He was suddenly dropped onto the couch and Snape quickly took off his shoes and examined Harry's ankle. He pulled out his wand once again and without warning said a spell causing a great deal of pain to shoot through Harry's ankle nearly making Harry shout out but was over in a flash and felt normal once more. "Anymore injury's?" Harry glared staying silent. "For merlins sake Potter! I'm healing you!" He snapped loudly and Harry sighed. "My ribs" he mumbled and without another word Snape said another spell causing the same reaction as before.

"Now, what are you doing in my home potter?" Snape asked sitting in the chair across from Harry sending a glare and Harry quickly looked down at the wood floor in front of him. "Wait, your house?" He asked looking up and around the room "No, I went to snapmint manor." Harry said confused when he caught sight at the chandelier above him "Woah" Harry whispered quietly causing a snort from Snape "Yes, my house, how do you know about this place." He sneered and Harry looked back at him in confusion. "So I am in Snapmint manor, it's suppose to be abandoned." Harry claimed "and this cant be your house."

"And why is that mr potter? And yes maybe it was abandoned 300 years ago." Snape stood up and walked to the door he had come in from "Now follow me." He said and walked away, Harry scrambling to follow. "You will stay here for the time being seeing as you shot yourself out of my fireplace and into my living room while I was trying to read." Snape opened a door which revealed a room with a large book case as well as a bed, shelf, and window.

"There is a bathroom through that door, if you need me you simply call for Tibby the house elf." And with that he slammed the door shut leaving Harry inside to look around. He walked over to the empty book case that held all different sorts of potions books along with a few Defense and charms. He also saw the hobbit, lord of the rings and a few other muggle books. He turned around and saw that there was a set of blue thin stripped pajamas laid out on his bed so he walked over and picked them up and headed over to where the bathroom was.

Upon opening the door he saw black tiled floor a normal sized shower and no tub but a large mirror above a grey and black marble sink with a new toothbrush, hair brush and toothpaste beside it. Letting out a sigh Harry shut the door and quickly changed and decided to do his teeth and use the bathroom while he was there and walked out just as Snape walked in.

"You could have knocked, I could have been stark naked!" Harry snapped at him and Snape merely raised an eyebrow. "Bed and I will come back in the morning." He said while pointing to the two poster bed that had four silk black pillows and dark deep chocolate brown bedding. "Why am I here, why not send me to the Weasleys or Dumbledore." He asked not moving. "Because you decide to come out of MY fireplace." He snapped and Harry flinched slightly knowing that was true. "And Albus is currently busy and the Weasleys are in Romania for the time being. You will be sent back to your relatives first thing in the morning, So get into that bed or so help me I will spell you to it." He snapped and Harry quickly obeyed getting under the cover and sitting against the headboard.

"You can't send me back there!" Harry said loudly once the words sunk in, leaning forward. "And why is that."

"They are awful! Always beating me and starv-" Harry's eyed went wide as he realized what he had said and quickly layer down ripping the blanket over his shoulder glaring at the blank wall in front of him. "What about Hermione." He mumbled. "They are in France." Snape said and before Harry could give another option he quickly flicked the wand turning the lights off and walked out the door, "I'm not going back to the Dursley's!" Harry said right before Snape shut the door loudly behind him.

Well, at least me and Hedwig are alive. Harry thought with a sigh as he snuggled deeper into the cover letting sleep take over.


Snape was pacing his office late that night thinking rapidly about what he was going to do with the potter brat. Albus was away for the next couple days while the Weasleys and granger were gone on vacation. I'll have to look into this Dursley situation. He thought and walked around his desk to the fire sitting on the small black worn down leather chair tucked into the corner and stared at the burning logs deep in thought as his eyes grew more and more heavy when suddenly his head jerked forward causing him to start.

He decided to stand up and head to his bedroom and walked in with a sigh at the chilly room with the large king sized bed with yet another black leather couch only this one small and a large unlit fireplace in front of it with shelves full of valuable trinkets, next to his bed was a old wood night stand with a glass of water along with his favourite old book given to him years ago called 'The Day of the Jackal' and an old looking dark brown lamp.

He walked into his personal restroom and quickly brushed his teeth and hair along with taking a quick shower before walking back into his cold dark room getting under the cover with his black silk night clothes turning on his lamp to continue re reading the book once more. Once he read the same 3 lines over and over again he gave up and put the book back down on his nightstand and with the flick of his wand his room was now pure black as he laid down on his stomach and fell asleep wondering what on earth he was going to do with the brat if he, as he claimed, couldn't or wouldn't go back to the Dursley's.

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