15- Draco

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When Harry awoke the following morning it was to the sound of a loud bang coming from the floor below. Immediately he jumped up, shoved his glasses onto his face and ran down the stairs, wand in hand.

He froze at the doorway of the kitchen. Standing there hunched over a coffee pot was Snape drenched in what looked to be obnoxiously bright orange powder. Off to the left was none other than Draco Malfoy standing there with his wand pointed at Snape's back letting out loud laughter.

Snape slowly turned to face Malfoy, eyes blazing. "Mr.Malfoy! It is seven in the bloody morning! On your first day here!" Harry watched in shock yet he couldn't help the small giggle that escaped him as he watched the back of the orange coloured man yell at Malfoy. Slapping a hand over his mouth eyes wide as Snape quickly spun around at the sound of the escaped giggle.

The second he caught the sight of the front of Snape he couldn't keep the laughs in any longer and was soon laughing just as loudly and hysterically as the other.

"If you two are quite done." Harry stood back up straight and watched as Snape turned to walk out of the kitchen. 'Probably to clean up'  Harry snickered. "And for Merlins sake Potter, Put. On. Some. Socks!"  With that he stormed into the living room and up the stairs.

"What happed Malfoy?" He finally asked and the other boy smirked. "I suppose it's a sort of tradition, for the week im here I pull a few pranks on him, always have."

"So you dumped neon orange powder on him?"

"No. I dumped glue on him then dumped neon orange powder."

"Is he not going to be mad at you?" Harry asked slightly worried, Snape seemed pretty upset not a moment ago.

"No, well maybe, but not enough to get me into real trouble. It's like an unspoken rule that during this week he won't get me in any real trouble for the tricks I play as long as they aren't to severe." He let out another laugh, casting a quick scourgify to clean the leftover mess from the prank.

"And you will probably be involved since you are here so just watch your back Potter." Harry shook his head as he watched Malfoy walk out as well.

"What is happening." Harry looked down at his bare feet with a content smile. 'Maybe this summer won't be so bad after all'.

Soon following the others lead, he went back up the stairs and into his room. 'When did it become my room?' He thought to himself. This wasn't suppose to happen. He wasn't suppose to feel comfortable here. He wasn't suppose to be getting along with Malfoy or being comforted while he cried by his professor. He was suppose to be annoyed by the sound of Malfoys pompous voice and disgusted by Snape's hair and face. He was suppose to be trying to figure out a way out of here to see his friends. Not anticipating Malfoys prank on him, as-well as looking forward to hearing Snape's voice lulling him back to sleep once more tonight.

"Potter." The voice brought him out of his thoughts and he turned to face his professor, seeing he was back to his normal get up of black pants and shirt, not a spot of orange in sight. The memory made his lips quirk up slightly. "Seize thinking about this morning this instant." He snapped sounding irritated causing Harry to smile even more. Letting out a sigh Snape stepped into the room shutting the door behind him.

"Did you have any visions or nightmares last night?" He asked and Harry shook his head. "No, I didn't, at least not that I can remember." Snape nodded then look down Harry watched as his face turned from blank into a glare. Following his line of sight Harry saw he was glaring at his bare feet. Suddenly feeling self conscious Harry curled his toes. "Why do you always ask me to wear socks?"

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