9- 35 ✔️

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Harry decided to head back to the room he has been told to stay in and wait until dinner time. He very quickly got bored of reading after a whopping 20 minutes and shut the book with a sigh setting it on the bedside table. Sitting up with a stretch he walked over to the window and sat down on the small ledge looking out onto the grounds in front and below him.

He sat there for a while watching as birds flew by and every now and then he would even see a fish swim near the surface of the pond. His eyes began to drift shut as the silence overtook him but was quickly knocked out of this when he saw Snape walk out the backdoor of the house across the yard all the way to a shed near that back that Harry hadn't even noticed before.

Curious, he sat up and waited for the professor to come back out which he did a minute later with what looked to be a small pair of silver tweezers. His eyes followed the professor as he walked over to the pond. He went down onto his knees, setting the tweezers down, then rolling up his sleeves.

Harry froze for a moment. He of course knew that Snape was a death eater, or rather a spy, but he had never seen the mark on the man. He watched as the man rolled up his other sleeve, but eyes still fixated on the mark on his left forearm. That was until Snape reached up quickly wrapping his hair in a ponytail as an attempt to keep it out of his face, with the exception of a few strands, that were to short of course, that fell around his face.

He had never seen such a clear view of the mans face before in his life. Usually curtained by a thick layer of long, greasy looking, black hair. But now everything was exposed, from the mark on his arm to his cheeks, neck, and ears.

Harry noticed the man was even more pale than he had originally assumed. His fair skin caused the mark on his arm to jump out, uncommonly so, as well as his eyes. His eyes, as far as Harry could tell (he was still only looking through a window), where very dark brown or even black. The man had high cheekbones and a sharp jawline. Greasy black hair and a large hooked nose that almost looked like it had been broken, as well as thin lips and with protruding collarbones.

He also noticed how young Snape really looks. Not a wrinkle or grey hair on him. Harry realized how truly young he must be. He remembered how Snape had obviously went to school with his father which would only put Snape in his mid thirties. For some reason this shocked Harry. Acknowledging that Snape was not some bitter old man but the youngest professor at hogwarts who wasn't even middle aged.

Once again snapped out of his observing he watched as Snape leaned over the pond searching, what Harry assumed was underwater, with his brows furrowed in concentration before quickly plunging both his arms up to his elbows. When he pulled his arms back out not a moment later there was something thrashing around his his grasp.

Harry watched as a small creature, maybe the size of a baseball, was held in Snape's hands. It was pink in colour and had four small legs that had tiny kitten like paws with wide black eyes as well as small antennae's. It was rather cute. Or at least that's what he thought until he watched it open it's small looking mouth until it was the same size, and was even slowly growing larger than the creature it's self, all while letting out an inhumane groaning creaking like sound that only continued to grow louder and louder as the milliseconds went on. Mouth filled with sharp vampire like teeth and a snake like tongue.

Harry's face slowly went for awe at the adorable creature to pure terror as he watched the tiny beast, his mouth opened, face pale.

But within the blink of an eye Snape had grabbed the tweezers and quickly yanked a tooth out dropping the creature back into the pond where the water covered up the groaning. He then continued to stand up like it was nothing.

Gaping, Harry watch as Snape brushed off his knees, rolling back down his sleeves and taking the elastic out of his hair. He put the tooth into his pocket and walked back over to the shed.

Looking away from the window now Harry sat frozen.
What the bloody hell was that?! Was all Harry could think as he sat, face still formed in terror.

"You look like you've just seen Jack Torrance break through the door." Harry heard a deep voice say and quickly looked to see Snape standing in his doorway with an eyebrow raised.

Harry looked at Snape than quickly back outside towards the pond than back at Snape again before finally shouting. "What the hell was that thing!?"

"Potter, language, and put on some socks, you'll get sick." he said sternly "and what are you talking about, you didn't really see Jack did you?" Snape asked with a smirk on his face. "No!" Harry snapped at him causing Snape to glare.

"That pink Satan creature!" He said pointing out the window and Snape's face cleared into understanding as he raised an amused eyebrow and smirked. "Ah, thats what I'll set lose into the room you're locked in if you don't behave." Snape said and Harry's face grew in horror as he looked back to his professor before quickly schooling his face then glaring. "That wasn't funny, don't joke about that." Harry glared at the man who's smirk only grew. Then with the most serious tone he said,

"Who said I was joking," Harry's face grew concerned. "On the contrary, dinner is being served in five minutes. Be down there by then." And without another word Snape turned and left the doorway leaving Harry both annoyed at the order and concerned at the threat of the tiny creature he decided is now called 'Satan's spawn' or at least that's what he calls it in his mind.

Quickly slipping on a pair of socks. Not wanting to even tempt Snape Into locking him away with that creature, even if he wasn't being serious. Then he quickly walked down to the dinning room where dinner was waiting along with Snape who started filling his plate once he had seen Harry enter. Harry stood by his chair. "What are you waiting for? A hand written invitation? Sit down." Snape sneered at him over his glass of water while Harry glared right back taking his seat. "No." Harry said a few minutes later after he had finished piling his plate with pasta and salad.

Snape looked up at him and raised an eyebrow in question. "I wasn't waiting for a written invention." Harry answered the unspoken question to which Snape only rolled his eyes and took another bite of his salad. They continued to eat in silence. Harry mostly thinking about the strange, yet enlightening, day he had. Although he definitely could have went without thinking about Satan's spawn. Until he realized something.

"Wait," Snape looked up again with a glare. Probably because of how often I'm disrupting his meal. Harry thought. "How do you know who Jack Torrance is?" He asked and Snape only rolled his eyes and let out a sigh before going back to his meal. "I was 21 when it came out and saw it in theatres with a friend." He replied a minute later, to Harry's surprise.

Snape with a friend?


Well, I've got a lot of time now that there's quarantine so have a chapter i suppose. Also, idk what to do because I may or may not have failed my grade 10 math class and I've known about it for a few months and still haven't told my mum. I just don't think I ever will. I'll prob just take two maths next year and she'll nvr know, lmao

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