6 - Borgin and Burkes✔️

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I left the café not wanting to go through Snape's wrath in the summer time as well.  I see knockturn alley and make a quick decision to go down into borgin and Burke's. Maybe there will be something on Defense to help me defeat Voldemort, or something on potions so Snape won't always be so harsh on me, I thought as I threw my hood on from my cloak and opened the door, with a loud creak I hurried inside. The store was dark with old dusty shelves and wood floors. I saw shelves filled with bottles of unknown objects, the same skeleton hand as second year, a huge cabnit and another shelf filled with books.
"What are you doin here aye?" A gruff voice said behind me causing me to jump and spin around. A man who's face was filled with wrinkles with worn down clothes that looked to at one time be expensive. "Um I was wondering if you had any books on Defense." I said eyes him warily as he did the same to me.

"The book stores down the road." He said and I rolled my eyes at him. "Im looking for books that can't be found there. Books that can help me with something." I asked again and he just kept staring as if I was a painting, his old sunken in blue eyes trailing my body as if looking for something. "Why should I tell you, for all I know you could be one of those ministry idiots." He said and turned to go back to the cash signifying he was done talking to me. "I'm not one of those idiots who thinks there doing the right thing, ignoring the un inevitable, I unlike most am trying to do something, Voldemort is here and wether you like it or not, so would you just tell me! Do you have any books on Defense I can have!" I said now very annoyed at the old man who looks surprised at me but obviously try's to hide it. "Who are you then hm?" He asks and I think for a moment. "Harry" I replied easily and he looks at me with a ' are you serious' face. "Harry who? Wentsworth, shitass? I'm not a bloody seer!" He snaps and I sigh looking up allowing him too see my face. "Potter, now do you have the book or not!" I ask ready to just leave. This was a stupid idea anyways. What was I thinking, going into a creepy store in the creepy alley probably filled with criminal and illegal artifacts. "Follow me." He says right as I'm about to just leave. I stand still for a moment thinking this all over, Dumbldore will most likely be mad. He didn't need to know though, I thought as I followed the man back to the cash warily, hand on my pocket which held my wand. Ready to defend myself if something was to happen. The strange man turned around and bent under the desk pulling out a handful of thick, dusty, leather books, dropping them onto the table causing dust to spread as I let out a cough waving my hand through the air. "These are all either banned for kids under 20, or no longer made. Yet they are, in my opinion, the best Defense books around." He stated and I looked at him before laying out the books. There was only 3 total. I flipped through the pages getting a sense of what they were each about. The first seemed to be very good, it was all about complicated Defense spells the second book was on complicated offensive spells but the last was all illegal or very bad spells considered very dark. 

"I'll take the first 2, but I would also like some potions books, not dark, just to help me, maybe like short cuts or something." I told him and he nodded walking through a door behind him and came back with only one book that looked even more worn then the Defense ones he had just showed me. "This is all we have for your use, we got it years ago by an unknown person, it is a original potions journal from one of the best potioners but the last owner had filled it with notes on how to make the potions quicker or more efficient and effective, the last owner had even added new potions at the end of the book." He explained and I looked through them like I had to the Defense. As he said there was a jagged sharp writing above the original text giving tips and shortcuts. "I'll take that one as-well." I said placing it on top of the two Defense books I had chosen. "That will be 50 gallons." He said with a smirk and I stared at him face blank. "Definitely not I'll pay 20 gallons" I said with a glare and he lost his smirk. "Then your not getting them." He stated with a sneer but I just brushed it off, years with Snape teaching and his seemed like it was a 3 year old trying to do it as a joke. "Alright then I'll just go to dumbledore and the ministry and tell them what you have here. Have a lovely day, because it may just be your last out of Azkaban." I said blackmailing him and he looked shocked at first before giving me a nod. "Alright, Mr. Potter 20 gallons it is." He said and I dug into my pulling out the money handing it over. I made sure my face was hidden once more before walking out without another word.


Snapes pov

I watched, following a little ways behind as Potter went straight into Borgin and Burke's and I let out a hiss of frustration. Does that brat not understand that nearly everything in that store is dark or illegal. Yet I watched as he talked to Borgin and walked over to the cash and looked through three different books and picked two out. Borgin then went off and walked to the back, coming back with a familiar looking book but I couldn't place where I had seen it before. Potter flipped through like he had with the others before giving a nod placing it on top of the two other books he had chosen and I watched as they seemed to have a small argument until Borgin looked scared then slightly impressed and gave a nod while potter handed over twenty gallons. I was shocked Borgin hadn't tricked him into giving more but 20 gallons was still not cheap for three old worn down books, one looked to even be written in from where I was standing. I easily slid back and hid in shadows on the wall as Potter walked out of the store, books thrown into his other bags as he walked out of sight.
It seemed always wearing black payed off sometimes.


Sry it's shorter I'm busy trying to catch up in math at school next one will be longer.

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