17- Meetings

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Harry woke up and immediately knew today wasn't going to be a good day. He didn't know how he knew but he did. He was in a bad mood from the moment consciousness was on him. He threw back his covers with a huff and stood to get dressed. Looking out the window to the backyard he saw that it was a supposedly beautiful day, the sky was blue without a cloud in sight. There were ducks swimming in the water and small stray animals wondering around, he could have sworn he even saw colourful butterflies fluttering around the property.

This only made him more upset. How dare the world be so beautifully peaceful while a war was raging on, not only inside himself, but outside these walls as well.

Pulling a plain black t-shirt on along with a pair of washed out baggy jeans, he sent one final glare outside and wondered down the stairs into the library but was disturbed the moment he entered.

"Master has requested you come eat breakfast now mr Harry."

Harry jumped up with a surprised yelp whirling around to spot the house elf, "Er okay" he replied.

The house elf disappeared with a pop and Harry let out a sigh. He turned around and headed back out of the library grumbling about how he hadn't even a chance to sit down before being ordered away. 

He was greeted by the sight of both Snape and Draco already at the dinning table, each had their own plate full of bacon, eggs, and sausages along with some butters toast and orange slices. He slipped silently into the empty seat and immediately his own full plate appeared in-front of him.

There was a light tapping at the window and with a quick flick of the professors wand the window opened and in flew a common barn owl holding a rolled up daily prophet. Snape quickly untied said prophet and immediately opened it up so it was covering majority of his face as he began to read while taking a sip of his coffee. Harry seeing the owl had yet to leave fed it a slice of bacon which it took gracefully before flying back out the window. 

They all continued to eat in silence. At least they did, until the two teenagers heard Snape let out a pain filled grunt. Harry and Draco raised their heads away from their plates and looked at him worriedly as he dropped the prophet and gripped his arm. He quickly stood and stalked out of the room and up the stairs. Harry's face was growing increasingly more grim as he realized what was going on.

Draco on the other hand stared at the spot his godfather had been sitting with his brows furrowed before his face cleared once more and he began to eat as if nothing had happened.

"Aren't you even remotely worried about Snape?" Harry asked is disbelief and Draco snorted. Swallowing down his bite of food, he took a sip of his tea and looked at Harry, "he's been doing this for years, he will be fine, I have complete faith in him." Draco said confidently before picking up his last slice of toast.

"But Voldemort might know!"

"Know what?"

"About him being a spy you idiot!"

Draco was now glaring, "why would he know that? Did you tell him?" He hissed and Harry swallowed thickly.


He was cut off as Snape came back down the stairs in a rush while still buttoning up the dark cloak with a silver mask in hand. "Don't leave the property and if you don't hear word of me within 24 hours contact the headmaster" then, without another glance, he walked out of the house and apperated away.

Harry's face paled. "Did you tell the Dark Lord about Severus!" In the blink of an eye he had an angry, red faced, sneering Draco Malfoy in his face holding him in a tight hold by the collar of his shirt. "I- I didn't mean too!" He nearly cried out and Draco was nearly shaking now, he threw Harry of his chair and onto the ground.

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