32 ↝ Good Luck Charm

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"All the pretty girls in the world,
But I'm in this space with you,
Colored out the lines,
I came to find, my fire was fate with you."
Honey - Kehlani.

The first week of the new semester whirs past, with everyone settling back into going to class, assignments and homework.

I'm walking out of my History of Art class with Kye, when my phone pings.

Slipping it out, I look at the screen.

Hunter: peach, first match is tonight, r u gonna be there?

Me: of course x

Hunter: i'll come find you afterwards.

Me: sure :)

"Hey Kye?" I say, putting my phone back into my pocket. "Isn't Hunter's match tonight?"

"Oh crap." He slaps his forehead. "I completely forgot. Yeah it is, we're going."

"Great." I nod, readjusting the strap of my book bag on my shoulder. Kye and I walk to the coffee shop, sitting down at our usual seats after grabbing two mugs of hot chocolate.

I'm in the midst of listening to Kye talk about his Christmas break, when Nessa, Kiara and Leo join us.

"Ooh, I was waiting to bring this up with you guys." Nessa claps her hands excitedly, grabbing everyone's attention. "Hunter isn't here, but we'll fill him in later."

"My parents rented this cabin by the beach in Florida for their anniversary, but they can't make it because Dad has a business trip, and the booking is nonrefundable." Nessa begins. "And they asked me to take you guys instead! It's a big place since they were going to go with a couple of their friends too."

"That sounds great," Kiara grins. "I could use some beach after all this cold."

"Fuck yes! It's been awhile since we went on a trip together." Kye whoops, throwing his fist in the air. "We can get shit faced!"

"Alex, you will come, yeah?" Leo turns to me, and everyone's attention is on me.

I nod, slowly. "Of course. Florida is towards the south yes?"

"Yeah!" Nessa confirms. "We can leave on a Friday afternoon and come back Sunday night."

"Sounds good. We can manage the food and stuff." Kiara nods. "Is it just going to be us?"

"Hm, the place is big but not big big. So maybe just Miles and Isabelle? Is that cool?" Nessa asks, and the rest of us nod.

"Single bitches club." Kye groans, wrapping his arms around mine and Kiara's shoulders.

I laugh, picking up my mug to take a sip.

"Hunt's fighting tonight." Leo stirs his mocha.

"Yeah, speaking of, we should go get ready." Nessa looks to me and Kiara before glancing at her watch. "It's almost 5:00pm. We'll meet up here around 7:00?"

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