15 ↝ Marshmallows

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"Broke kids running through the city,
Drunk on the subway train,
Set free every time you kissed me,
We couldn't feel no pain."
- Call You Mine by The Chainsmokers

I let out a nervous breath as I clutch the test paper in my hands, getting to my feet. Slowly walking down the stairs, I try to be as light footed as possible. The entire lecture hall is graveyard silent.

It's the second week of November, finals week. After the Halloween party, the entire school went into overdrive, studying for finals and finishing off assignments.

I make my way over to the Professor's desk, placing my paper face down on the hardwood table, and he gives me a nod of approval. With a smile in response, I turn on my heel and walk out of the hall, relieved to be done with my first exam out of four.

I barely take three steps when I hear someone call my name.


I turn around to see Liam striding towards me, stuffing books in his bag as he walks over. "Hey Liam, you alright?"

"Hey, done with exams for today?" He greets me when he finally catches up to me, and I smile back, nodding as we start to walk side by side.

"What about you?" I question, making a turn towards the café.

"Same, god it was bloody gruelling." He groans, and as we pass by a notice board, he pauses in his steps, ripping off a poster from the stack of them pinned to the board.

"What is that?" I ask, and he shows me the poster as we resume walking again.

'North Regal University; End Of Semester Dance' is written in glittery letters, followed by the date, time and dress code as well as where to get tickets from.

"I completely forgot about this." I admit.

"It's next Friday. Pretty fun, actually." Liam tells me, running a hand through his chestnut hair.

"Yeah, seems so." I agree, looking down at the poster. It's been awhile since I've gone for a dance or a formal event like this, and I'm sort of excited.

"It's like prom, but bigger. Dates, dresses, suits, corsage, the whole shebang." He explains further.

I hum in response, studying the poster more. I reach up and tuck random strands of my hair behind my ear, hitching the strap of my bag higher up on my shoulder.

"Where are you heading now?"

"Cafe, and then the library." I answer. "I need to get some studying in for tomorrow's exam."

"I'll come with you to the cafe, I'm in desperate need of some tea." Liam states, and I laugh.

"Some British things just don't rub away do they?"

He shakes his head, smiling as we approach the cafe and push open the doors, entering the familiar cosy atmosphere. The smell of coffee and baked goods immediately engulf me, the chatter of fellow students, and the pop music playing from the small speakers.

I make a beeline to the counter, Liam in tow.

"Hey there, one honey citrus mint tea please," Liam orders, and my eyebrows raise.

He sees my expression and smiles. "It's as good as it sounds. Try it."

"Alright," I turn to the cashier. "Make that two of those."

She smiles, and nods. A few minutes later, as I'm picking up the warm styrofoam cup with my name on it, the bell above the door jingles, catching my attention. Hunter strides in, wearing a crisp white hoodie that contrasts sharply against his raven hair. His backpack is slung over one shoulder, the sleek silver MacBook tucked under his arm.

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