Chapter 14

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Harmony's POV

I woke up to Kya straddling my thighs. "Oh Harmony," she said lowering her head down so her lips were in my ear, her breasts pressed into my back. "Hmmm?" "It's time to wake up," she said to me. She then placed a kiss on my cheek. "We need to eat breakfast before we go out for the day." I turned my head and yawned, "Where are we going?" "Shopping," she declared. "We haven't been able to take you shopping for your new clothes yet. You can't make everything for yourself on top of making the mating dress." I began to stretch and she got off of me. We dressed for breakfast then met Draven in the hall where he was talking with a Lord. He dismissed the Lord and walked with us to the dinning room for breakfast. 

The conversation at breakfast was light as we ate. Once we were done eating Draven had Sebastian ensure the carriage was ready for our departure while we grabbed our coats. It was almost February, meaning it would soon be Hearts Day. Hearts Day was a day of love and romance. I usually made little heart pouches with candy in them for the kids. I still had plenty of time to do it while also making the mating gown. My project to making clothes for the people in the slums has been put on hold while my shop is repaired. 

"What's going through your head," Kya asked once we were in the carriage. "I was thinking of the shop," I said to her. "What about it," Draven asked me. "Since I'm living in the castle now, I was thinking of converting the upstairs into a proper work place where I can have proper space to take measurements as well as give the person I'm making it for, an actual place to change for alterations. I can turn the current work room into a consultation room where I discuss the designs with them," I shared with them. I can tell the idea of my permanently living in castle has given them hope that we were moving in the right direction, and we were. They were more than happy to let me continue working in my shop once it's repaired. We agreed that it was a great way for us to continue staying close to the people, and having constant influence in the slums. I loved the castle, but that area will always have a special place in my heart. 

"We can turn your closet into proper storage for your supplies," Kya suggested with a smile. "Put in proper wall mounts for your fabrics where your wardrobe had once been." I nodded with a smile. We continued to bounce ideas back and forth until we reached the shops. 

Kya was eager to take my hand to pull me towards the dress shop with Draven following behind us with a smile. I looked around the shop as Kya talked with the shop owner. Draven seemed to be looking around himself. I saw a couple I liked, but many of the dresses lacked color. Soon the shop owner had gathered a rack of dresses that they had in colorful fabrics. I tried on various ones, and decided to be cruel to my mates, and not show them how I looked. I took several that I liked and put the rest I didn't on the rack. "Tease," Kya said while sticking her tongue out at me. I smiled innocently. Draven put the packages in the carriage before we went to a shoe shop. 

I saw many I liked, and Kya picked out a few pairs for herself. Draven carried our boxes to the carriage before we continued to walk about. We stopped to get something to eat and it was nice to finally just enjoy my mates. They've been so busy trying to right the wrong done to me and I will forever be grateful. 

When we got back to the palace, Lord Vail approached us. "We have the culprits." We went to the throne room and I nearly stumbled at who I saw. 

"Mackison," I said slightly shocked. Mackison was my faithful second in command in Torto. It's clear he joined the Black Light Guild by his attire. "You wrecked my shop," I asked him. "At first it was something I was hired to do by a Lord. I didn't know it was yours until I found your trunk," he said with disgust. "When I found your sword, it became personal." "What did I do to deserve it," I asked him. 

"You abandoned the people you swore an oath to protect," he snapped. I shook my head, "My final orders were to help as many escape then live a life of bloodshed." "Living a peaceful life while many of the women and children that came to this continent ended up enslaved," he told me. It was a stab to the heart. "What?" 

He gave me a cruel smile, "You heard me. Many who came to this continent, that you abandoned in the Nilbur Kingdom, were enslaved. The women turned to prostitutes, the children slaves of various kinds. I was bought by the Black Light Guild and converted into an assassin, but I was one of the lucky ones. How does it feel knowing that you lead many to the hells they live in? I bet you regret abandoning us now, don't you Captain?" My chest felt tight and I felt like I was going to be sick. 

"I had no idea," I whispered. "Of course you don't," Mackison said. "You were living a grand life while the rest of us suffered. After all, you've always been a heartless bitch." My eyes burned as tears filled them, and nothing I did could stop them from flowing. He seemed stunned by the show of emotion. "Had I known Mackison, I would've gone back." It was whispered, but I knew he heard me. I turned on my heel and walked out. 

"Harmony," I heard Kya call out. I couldn't right now. I became a shadow then vanished. 

Draven's POV

I didn't know where to begin. I was ready to give them a painful death, but I understand that there is more to it than simple revenge. "Harmony Dryia, is no longer the heartless Captain you once knew," I informed him. His face of confusion over seeing her tears, told me, he didn't know who she has become over the last one hundred and fifty years. "For the last century and a half, she has lived as a seamstress, helping those in the slums as best as she can. It was only recently we met her, and learned she is our missing mate. In the short amount of time we've known her, she has been very open with her emotions. She wears her heart on her sleeve for all to see and I know without a doubt, had she really known what had happened to your people, she would have gone to help. No one here knew what has happened in Nilbur and I've been on the throne for centuries. I didn't even knew they still allowed enslavement. We abolished it centuries ago." 

"They don't," Mackison said. "The rulers just don't care enough to enforce it." "I'm also positive she's not the only one to have left Nilbur before they were enslaved, yet you hold a grudge against her," I pointed out to him. "Why?" "Because she would have been able to save them," Mackison said. "Yet your people feared her," I said to him. "She didn't want to live with people who feared her. She wanted to be happy. Is that really her fault?" 

He seemed to hesitate on his answer. "I truly apologize to what has happened to those who were from the Torto kingdom once they got to Nilbur, but I must say, it is rather childish to blame one woman. You're clearly capable, why didn't you do anything to stop it? Or any of the other soldiers who managed to escape the flame?" He seemed to not be able to come up with an answer. "I think you took her sword and trashed her home because of your own guilt for being too weak to do anything to stop it. After all, you were there. She had no idea what was going on." 

He hung his head in shame, "I was only carrying out my task to destroy her home. If I didn't the guild master would beat me. You of all people know what happens when you defy orders. The original orders were to burn it down. When I learned just who owned that shop, I just ransacked it then lied saying your elite had come back to watch the shop, which prevented me from burning it. I received a0 The sword though, I did take out of anger." 

"Who was the one that hired you," I asked him. "Lord Falyn Musit," he answered. I nodded, "I will be discussing your punishment with my mate." I had them take it away. He was right about what happens to defying a guild master's orders, the punishment wasn't pretty. He still did it though, because he didn't want to leave my mate without anything. I understood where he was coming from, but I had to ensure he knew his rage was misplaced. 

Kya came in, "She turned into a shadow! Then she disappeared!" "What do you mean a shadow," I asked her. "I mean a literal shadow," Kya said. She pointed to her shadow on the floor, "Her whole body just dropped into her shadow and then she disappeared. I couldn't even pick up her scent." 

"Give her time," I said to her. "She'll come out of hiding eventually. Until then, we have to pay Lord Falyn Musit a visit." I then shared how the exchange went with our prisoner. She nodded, "Let's get to work." 

Falyn Musit was one of the Lords who suffered when we made the mines start treating the workers like workers and not slaves. We also suspect he had been earning profits from Bargain Alley before we shut it down. I stripped Foster of his title and riches, and apparently that wasn't warning enough. Falyn will be made an example out of. Let's see if any other Lords step out of line once we're through with him. 

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