Chapter 9

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Kya's POV

Tonight was our date with Harmony and I can't wait. I wore a silver dress that was floor length with long sleeves. I pinned my hair up and put on a pair of diamond earrings. Draven wore a nice black suit. "We don't want to be late," he said to me. I nodded and took his hand.

When we got to her shop we had to knock on the door. When she opened the door, I had to keep from staring. She wore a beautiful sky blue gown with black lace on the bodice. The sleeves were long and made of the same shade of blue but they were lace. Her neckline was a little daring but it was still classy. Her hair was down and curled. She truly was a sight to behold.

"You look beautiful," I said her, her cheeks becoming pink. "So do you," she said with a smile. She grabbed her coat and we went to the carriage. I sat beside her and laced our fingers together. "I'm sorry we couldn't see you these past couple of weeks," Draven said to her. "Its okay," she said. "I understand. I've been doing a lot of work on the mating gown to fill my time." "How is that coming along," Draven asked her. "I've completed the bodice and started on the skirt," she answered. 

Soon we were at the restaurant and seated at a round table in the center of the restaurant. Many stared and whispered but we ignored them. Draven and I were rather used to it, but Harmony seemed a little uncomfortable by it, since she wasn't used to being the center of attention. We took a few minutes to order before our menus were taken and the wine served. "Have you given any thought about joining us at the springs," I asked her curiously. She nodded as a blush covered her cheeks, "I have. I'd like to go very much." I clasped my hands together, "Oh good. I can't wait. It's going to be so much fun." I noticed Draven's subtle smirk out of the corner of my eye, but Harmony seemed to have not noticed it. 

We then talked about going shopping before our trip. When our food arrived we made conversation here and there but for the most part we just enjoyed each other's presence. After we finished we sat there, talking and enjoying wine. When it was late we took her home. Draven didn't hesitate to pull her to him, kissing her. She seemed shocked for only a second before giving into the kiss. When they parted, I only gave her a second to catch her breath before I pulled her to me for a kiss. The kiss had a hunger and need for her igniting into my core. I pulled away and noted a blush coating her cheeks. 

"Good night Harmony," Draven said while wrapping an arm around my waist. "Good night," she said with a shy smile before going into her shop. She was just so cute. We got back into the carriage and Draven pulled me so my dress was pulled up  and I was straddling his lap. Him being so insatiable was why I could never wear a hoop skirt. 

"Gods she tasted so good," he said huskily. "I can't wait for the day I can have the both of you." I smiled, "I know how you feel." Maybe the trip to the Springs will be beneficial. 

Harmony's POV

I was up early the next morning to go shopping with Draven and Kya. I couldn't help but think about the kisses we shared last night. Gods they were so amazing. I had to admit, I was a little excited for our trip to the Springs. It was going to be a lot of fun. 

When they arrived Kya greeted me with a kiss, "We're going to have so much fun." Draven gave me a kiss before I entered the carriage. Kya was talking about what we would be doing at the Springs and I was looking forward to relaxing with my mates.

When we got to the shopping center of the kingdom, Kya laced her arm with mine and Draven followed behind us due to the sidewalk not being wide enough for all three of us to walk beside each other. Kya then pulled me into a lingerie shop. My face felt hot. She let my hand go to look through the racks. Draven chuckled softly, "Is something wrong darling?" I shook my head, "Not at all. I just wasn't expecting a lingerie store." "It's because Draven keeps tearing all of mine," Kya said. "He's so impatient." The two of them shared knowing smirks and the heat in my cheeks increased. 

I was well aware of Draven's love for tearing clothing to get to what he wants. I needed to quickly turn my thoughts elsewhere before they're able to smell my arousal. "What size are you Harmony," Kya asked me. I rattled off my size as I looked around the store. "We're close in size," Kya said happily. I had noticed just how gifted she was in the asset department like I was. I wouldn't mind giving her special measurements, my mind thought. I quickly pulled my mind from the piss trap. 

"So Harmony, we were curious, do you want to share a room with us at the Springs," Kya asked me. I didn't hesitate to answer, "I'd love too." She smiled brightly, "This is really going to be the best trip ever." After the lingerie store, Draven carrying Kya's bags, we went to store that sold lotions, perfume, and other things like that. I was looking at a shelf of lotions when Kya wrapped her arms around my waist from behind. "You should get one you like," she said, lips by my ear. "We'll be there relaxing and the best way to relax is having Draven give us massages. He's always eager to have a reason to touch us." I didn't think he needed a reason, I thought to myself. 

I picked the water lily scented lotion. She then decided to add in the perfume to go with it, despite my protests. I had noticed Draven had been talking with the shop owner rather quietly, and I couldn't help but wonder what it was they were discussing. 

After leaving the shop, we bounced around to a few more before stopping at a cute café for lunch. "How much further do you have on the mating dress," Draven asked me curiously. "I'm having her come in next week for a fitting to make sure it fits before I put on the finishing touches," I answered. "How is progress going with the slums?" "We stopped work for the time being due to the snow and ice," he answered. "When the snow begins to melt, we'll have a team out to help with the runoff and then properly inspect each of the buildings to see which ones can be saved and which ones need to be rebuilt from the ground up." I smiled softly, "That's good to hear." 

"We're also going to be putting in a park to give the kids a proper place to play and put more jobs besides the mines in the slums," Kya added in with a smile. I nodded, "That will help a lot." "We will also be giving the mines a proper inspection and make sure safety codes are met," Draven added in. It made me really happy that they had so many plans in place after the slums went so long being neglected.  

"Since it'll be a half a day's journey to the Springs, we'll pick you up at sunrise," Draven told me and I nodded. "We plan on being merciful to you and enjoy the springs in our swim wear so don't forget yours." I nodded, and began my mental list of things I needed to make sure I pack to ensure I had everything I needed. I can't wait. 

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