Chapter 8

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It's been three weeks since I've last seen either of them in person, but the amount of times I've seen the two of them make love has surely been a lot. I'm going to go crazy with lust. They've been busy with meetings and such, but they've sent me gifts to let me know they're thinking of me. It made me feel happy but at the same time, I'd rather see them. 

Today I stepped out to go get groceries when I was approached by Lord Foster. "It's all because of you, you whore," he snapped, pointing a finger at me. I straightened my back, "I don't know what you're talking about." "Had you not opened your big mouth to the king and queen, I would still be making hundreds of thousands," he growled. I shrugged, "You still make thousands so what does it matter? That's far more than anyone here will make in an entire year." 

"You will pay me back on the money I'm losing out on," he demanded. I scoffed, "I will do no such thing." He went to grab me but a gloved hand grabbed his arm. In a single fluid movement, a man spun the Lord around, pinning him to the side of the nearby building. "Unhand me," Lord Foster growled. "I'm highly against you threatening a beautiful woman, and I know the king and queen are too," the man said. Lord Foster's eyes widened. "L-Lord Vail. I didn't know you were in the slums," Lord Foster began to tremble as he spoke. "King Draven wanted me to make sure you other Lords were doing what you're supposed too. He will be highly displeased when he learns of this incident," Lord Vail said coldly. 

"I'll pay you," Lord Foster offered. "Just please don't tell the King." Lord Vail laughed cruelly, "I won't be telling him. You will be." Soon a carriage was arriving and Lord Vail had the two guards who stepped out of it, take him away. Lord Vail then turned to face me. He shared familial resemblance to King Draven. It was no secret that Lord Vail was King Draven's cousin. Some said they grew up as close a brothers. 

Lord Vail bowed to me, "I am sorry this filth approached you milady." I felt my cheeks heat up at the formality. "It's okay," I told him. "And you don't need to bow." It was really unnecessary. Sebastian then arrived. "I see I missed something important," he said as he watched the carriage with the guards pull away. "It's been handled," Lord Vail assured him. Sebastian then held an envelope out to me. "Their majesties are inviting you on a date tomorrow night," Sebastian informed me. 

I opened the invitation and saw they wanted to take me to Vinara, one of the most expensive restaurants in the kingdom. I nodded, "I'd love too." He smiled and bowed before leaving. "If you'll excuse me ma'am. I must ensure Lord Foster doesn't change his story. Enjoy your date tomorrow night," Lord Vail said before bowing and leaving as well. 

Draven's POV

Lord Foster stood before me, cuffed and trying to paint some lie as we waited for my cousin to join us. "Sorry for taking so long," Vail said once he entered. "I was ensuring his potential victim was okay." "So explain what happened," I ordered my cousin. "Ms. Dryia had left her shop and he approached her. He yelled, declaring it was his fault he wasn't making as much because you forced him to start paying the mine workers more. He then demanded she pay it back to him. At this point she stands her ground, and he goes to grab her, and that's when I step in," he told me.

I glared at Lord Foster, "I see." "D-Do I not get to defend myself," Lord Foster pleaded. "No," I told him. "You are hereby stripped of your title. Take him away." Lord Foster pleaded and cried but I didn't listen to him.

Once he was out of the room Vail smirked, "Your seamstress is quite the blusher. When she received your invitation, I've never seen someone turn so red at the meer receiving of an invitation." He chuckled, "Maybe it has something to do with your bond?" I raised an eyebrow, "What are you getting at?" "I've been watching her like you've instructed, and I couldn't help that a few times she's woken in the middle of the night to open her window. Very strange if you ask me," he noted. What was he getting at. He chuckled and shook his head, "You, my dear cousin, are an idiot. I'm sure if you share my observations with Kya she'll understand."

He then turned on his heel and walked away. What in the world is he getting at?

Later that night Kya was at her vanity brushing her hair, "What has your mind filled with thoughts my love?" "It's something Vail told me today about Harmony," I told her. "Is she okay," she asked, turning to face me. I then shared with her what he had told me. Her eyes widened and she covered her face with her hands. "Oh gods I didn't think the bond was that strong," she said.

"What are you talking about," I asked her, still not understanding. "When the bond is strong and you have more than two in the mating, even if all aren't fully mated, you can see and hear when two are having sex," she explained. I felt like an idiot for not realizing it sooner.

"I don't know how long she's been able to see, but from my guess from what Vail said, it's been a while," she said. "Why hasn't she said anything," I asked her. "This is Harmony we're talking about," she said with a smile. "She's so innocent. Plus maybe she enjoys seeing us."

"Do we ask her about it," I asked her. "She'll die of embarrassment if we did that," Kya told me. "So do we not say anything," I asked her. "I can be rather intense and I don't want to scare her." Kya laughed, "Love, if we really did scare her, I'm sure she wouldn't be blushing and needing to open the window to help cool herself off. I really want to know what she enjoyed seeing most. I know I would have enjoyed seeing her tied and blindfolded like you had me the other night."

She then bit her lip, "I'm wondering if she pleasured herself while watching us." My cock strained in my pants at the thought.

"Let's just keep doing as we have been doing," Kya told me. "We don't let her know that we know. This could be rather fun. But you need to hold back your urges till night time so she can work." I growled softly at the idea but agreed.

"Dinner tomorrow evening is going to be rather fun," Kya said happily. "It'll be even more fun if we can get her to agree to go to the Springs with us." "But we won't be able to do anything sexual when there," I told her. "Why not," she asked me. "Because if I start pleasuring you, she will see it, and if she is enjoying it, then I will smell her arousal, and it will be hard to resist giving her the same treatment," I explained.

"Who knows what will happen by then," she said with a shrug. I began to get ready for bed. "Just know this means I wont be holding anything back when I take you. Knowing she's watching, makes me want to ensure I leave a lasting impression," I told her with a smirk.

"Poor Harmony," Kya said with a soft giggle. "She will surely be in for it now that we know."

I had to admit, knowing I'll be able to see when Harmony and Kya are pleasuring each other truly makes me happy. The full details of mating bonds was something I didn't pay enough attention too when in school, which explains my confusion when Vail tried hinting it. Now that I know, it makes things far more interesting.

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