Chapter 2

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I looked up when the bell above my door chimed. A man with wired frame glasses came in wearing a fur coat, white gloves, and a suit. He held out an envelope, "Their majesties have invited you to the Solstice ball." My eyes widened, "What? Why?" "Because they want to spend it with their mate," he said as I took the envelope from him. I opened it and read the invitation. I had a week. I did buy some amazing fabrics thanks to them over paying for the dress, but my go to a high class event such as this. 

"I haven't seen the King and Queen smile so much since they met you," he told me. "I'm Sebastian Cortez, their Royal Advisor." As he introduced himself, he bowed. "There's no need to bow," I told him, my cheeks feeling warm. "Will you be attending ma'am," he asked me. I looked at the invitation in my hands. I haven't stopped thinking about them since I met them a couple of days ago. I wanted to see how Queen Kya looked in the dress I made. So I nodded, "Yes I will be going."  "A carriage will be here on the day of at six to escort you to the ball," he told me. I nodded and he left. Time to go into dress making overdrive. 

I stood before my full length mirror, completely dressed, feeling butterflies flutter in my stomach. My chestnut hair was up with a curled piece hanging in my face. It was too short to want to stay with the rest of my hair so I gave up on it. I only had light blush on my cheeks and my lips painted a soft pink close to my natural lip color. My ball gown was a lavender color. The bodice was strapless with intricate beading that took my forever to do. I had bought some simple silver heels to go with the dress. When my carriage arrived I put on the white cloak I had made to go with it. I tucked my invitation into my clutch before making my way to the carriage. Sebastian smiled when he saw me and opened the door, "They're eagerly waiting your arrival." I felt my cheeks warm as I stepped into the carriage. 

The butterflies only got worse as we neared the castle. Carriages lined the front, filled with beautifully dressed Ladies and Lords. I was just a girl from the slums. I didn't belong here. Me wanting to see them is why I came. When the carriage got to the palace entrance, it was opened and I stepped out. I followed many who entered the castle. My cloak was taken by a servant when I neared the ball room. 

Once in the ballroom, I was amazed at the beautiful decorations that hung from the ceilings. Decorated trees stood between the floor to ceiling windows where many left Solstice gifts for the King and Queen. I couldn't think of anything to get them because I didn't know them well enough. I didn't want to get them some generic thing like many here probably got them. 

Once everyone was gathered and the music started playing I was off to the side, waiting nervously for them. I was then approached by someone. He was a man with blond hair and cerulean eyes. His scent told me his was a werewolf. "Such a beautiful Lady shouldn't be standing here alone," he commented. "Care to dance?" "I'm sorry, I'm waiting for someone," I told him politely. "I see. It's a crime to leave such a beautiful thing such as yourself waiting so long," he said. 

Before I could say anything they arrived. Everyone turned their attention to them. Queen Kya looked so breathtaking in the dress I had made for her. She smiled before the crowd, "Thank you for coming everyone." "We would like to wish you all, a blessed Solstice," King Draven said with a nod. Everyone raised their glasses, wishing them a blessed solstice in return. 

Then the music started up once more as they joined everyone. "It's rude to stare at the King and Queen," the man said. Before I could say anything they were there, "She can stare as much as she desires." I smiled when I turned to look at them. "I'm glad to see the dress fit," I said to Queen Kya. "Like a dream Harmony darling," she said with a smile. "I love this dress. I take it you made this one yourself as well?" I nodded, "It is." "You look beautiful Harmony," King Draven said and I felt my cheeks heat up. "Thank you," I said to him. 

Queen Kya took my hand, "Let's go dance while Draven entertains the Lords." "B-But, I don't know how," I said as she pulled me to the dance floor. "That is perfectly okay," she assured me. "You can step on my feet all night long. I'm just happy you came." "I was surprised that you invited me," I confessed to her. "We wanted to see you again and since we were so busy with preparations we knew we wouldn't be able to go to you, so we thought to have you come to us," she told me. 

King Draven's POV

Many were whispering about Kya dancing with Harmony. Several commented on Harmony's lack of grace, others commented on their unique dresses. They were both so beautiful and it was a nice sight to see. When it was time for the meal, Kya made Harmony sit in the chair between her and I at the head of the table. That truly had everyone whispering. Some didn't even bother to hide their stares. 

"Did that little girl like the dress you made her," Kya asked Harmony, keeping her from paying attention to the stares. "She loved it very much," Harmony replied with a nod and a smile. "She was so eager to put it on and twirl about." "That's good to hear," Kya said, smiling brightly. "Is there anything new that you're working on?" "Well, because of your generous payment I was able to buy silk and lace for the first time, so I'm trying to figure out how to work with it," Harmony answered. "It's a work in progress." "I can't wait to see what amazing things you can do once you get the hang of it," Kya said excitedly. 

The two women talked, and I enjoyed listening to them. Once dinner was over, I took Harmony's hand. "It is my turn," I said to Kya. She smiled and nodded before I lead Harmony to the dance floor. "I am sorry if Kya talked your ear off," I said to her. "She's excited and happy to have finally found you. I am too." She smiled, "I don't mind it one bit. It's nice." I smiled as I lead her in our dance. 

When the other guests were leaving, Kya and I lead Harmony to a sitting room. Kya held out her present to her, "Happy Solstice Harmony. I know we had only met, but when I saw your cute little shop, I knew you had to have this." Harmony's face became red as a blush took over it while she unwrapped her gift. Inside was a painting of a cherry blossom tree with a bright blue sky. "Your eyes are so pretty that they reminded me of cherry blossoms," Kya told her. "So I thought to paint a cherry blossom tree for you to hang on that blank wall behind your register." 

Harmony let her fingers run over it delicately, "It's so beautiful. Thank you." Her eyes had watered a little. I then held out the gift Kya and I had agreed on together. "No only is this our Solstice gift, but it's also our courtship gift to you," I told her. It was a silver ring with a black diamond, an amethyst stone, and a rose quartz stone. The black stood for me, the amethyst for Kya, and the rose quartz for Harmony. Kya and I both had matching rings. 

"I accept," Harmony said and I was over the moon. She slipped the ring on her finger and Kya hugged her. "We'll go at whatever pace you set," I told Harmony as she got over her shock of Kya's hug. Harmony nodded, "Okay." 

We talked until it was late and we arranged for a carriage to take her home. After the carriage disappeared from our sight, I wrapped an arm around Kya as we walked back. "It wouldn't kill you to talk more, you know," Kya said with a smile. "You talk enough for the both of us," I told her. "Besides I much prefer to listen to the both of you." She rolled her eyes, but she smiled as she did. 

"We've got a busy week ahead of us your highness," Kya said. "So let's get to bed." I nodded in agreement. Before we went to bed, we put on on our rings. It was official now. We were finally courting our missing piece. 

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