Chapter 10

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I was up early and excited for our trip to the springs. When the carriage arrived my bags were taken as I entered. Kya and Draven were clearly not morning people. I smiled softly at them. They were slumped together on the seat across from me. "Well aren't you bright eyed," Kya said with a sleepy smile before yawning. "Waking up early is nothing new for me," I told her with a smile of my own. "I enjoy watching the sun rise." "I heard because of the kingdom's location, the Torto Kingdom had some of the best sunrises," Kya said and I nodded. "They truly did," I said.

"What did you do in the Torto kingdom before coming here," Draven asked curiously. "I was the first ever female Captain of the Guard," I shared with them. They seemed to become more awake then. "Really," Kya asked. "But rumor was that the Captain of the Guard was a heartless woman who doesn't hesitate to eliminate a threat," Draven said.

I nodded, "Yeah. They also called me Shadow Slayer due to my shadow magic." I raised a hand, shadows beginning to dance around my fingers. I then made them vanish. "My king and queen perished in the flames, but they had given me one last order. Save as many people as I could and live a life free of bloodshed. So I honored their wishes. I got as many as I could from the Torto kingdom to Nilbur. From there, I left them. To live a life free of bloodshed meant I had to leave the past behind. Because of the rumors my people feared me, making it hard to live a new life. So I came here and tried to remake myself. I haven't had a single regret since." I was much happier and I had many friends.

"How did you become the Captain of the Guard," Kya asked me. "My father was pissed he didn't have a boy. I come from a long line of high ranking warriors. The first born had always been a boy, until me. My father refused to let my gender ruin his dreams and our family legacy. He often made me keep my hair short and wear men's clothes. He even would call me Harold because he refused to accept that I was a woman. It wasn't until I joined the ranks of the royal guard, I came forward as a female to the king and queen. By then I had already made the men in my ranks fear my strength and magic so no one ridiculed me. After that I kept doing what I could to make my father proud of me. Until one day, I realized that life wasn't one I wanted. I couldn't get out of it though. I had sworn an oath and I was going to stick to it until I was released from it or dead. In a sick and twisted way, the Hell Flame bought me my freedom." That oath was a noose and it was going to one day kill me if I didn't get free. I hated walking down the street, seeing nothing but fear on other's faces. I was tired of having to hide my heart. I felt so many things but no one saw them because I had to keep my facade as the heartless Captain of the Guard.

Here though, I wear my heart on my sleeve and don't hide who I really am. I have been alive for two centuries but I didn't start living until a hundred and fifty years ago.

"What kind of lessons did you have to go through before taking to the throne," I asked them curiously, wanting to change the subject from the past I wanted to forget. "My father made me join the Black Blood Brotherhood to become an assassin," Draven shared. "He felt the Brotherhood would allow me to learn how to protect the kingdom and myself better than basic warrior training. Because of it I know several languages, I'm immune to most poisons, and I can sneak about with ease." "I too, had to go through the same training," Kya said with a nod. "Once taking to the throne, we shut down most of the guild and we now only use the guild for tasks that need more covert attention."

"The training has had its uses, but it's not something I would ever make our children go through," Draven said while crossing his arms. "Oh gods no," Kya agreed. "That training was literal hell. I almost died a few times." He chuckled, "One of those times was your own fault. Had you not challenge Vail to jump from castle pillar to castle pillar, I wouldn't have had to save you when you slipped from the gargoyle." She rolled her eyes, "I would have been just fine had it been in the middle of the day and the sun dried up all of the early morning dew."

He smirked, "Sure."

After that, the conversations became much lighter and filled with laughter. It was around lunch time when we arrived at the springs. We were greeted by two women.

"Welcome your highnesses to the Soothing Springs," they greeted in unison. "If you'll follow us to your chamber." We followed them inside while some men retrieved our things. The room we were staying in was large with a private spring for us to enjoy at our own convenience. "If you need anything dont hesitate to summon one of us," one of the women said while gesturing to the rope that probably lead to a service bell.

Soon it was just the three of us. "I'm famished, what should we do for lunch," Kya asked us. "I'm dying for some of their grilled salmon." Kya grabbed the room service menu and began to look it over. "After eating I could use a nap," Draven said as he removed his coat. "You sound like an old man," Kya said with a giggle and he rolled his eyes.

"That's okay, Harmony and I will enjoy some one on one girl time," Kya said as she handed me the menu. "Now that sounds interesting," Draven said. "I might stay awake to witness that." It was Kya's turn to roll her eyes while I felt my cheeks become warm. "Our clothes our staying on, for the most part," Kya told him. He chuckled, "What does, for the most part, mean?" Yeah, what did she mean by that?

"You honestly think we're going to stay in these gowns when we aren't even leaving the room for the rest of the day," she asked him. She had a point, these gowns were a bit much for lounging in.

"Just ruin a man's fantasies," Draven said with a sigh. Kya and I rolled our eyes at him before we summoned room service to take our orders. "Let's get comfortable while we wait," Kya suggested to me. I went behind the privacy screen and changed into loose black pants I had made in a soft material, and a top that was held on my shoulders by strings. It hugged my breasts, giving some support but the rest flowed to my hips and was entirely made of solid material. I came out and saw Kya was wearing one of Draven's shirts and nothing else. I sat on the bed and began braiding my hair into a loose side braid.

Once the food arrived we all ate and talked. Afterwards I felt stuffed and followed Draven's lead, and took a nap with him.

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