Chapter 6

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Kya's POV

I sighed in delight as we finally got the Lords out of our hair for the day. "Let's go see Harmony," I said to Draven. "Its been a couple of days and I miss her." Draven chuckled softly, "Okay." While I went to go get my coat, he had Sebastian arrange for the carriage to take us to see her.

When we got to her shop and went in we found her in her work room, adding beading to the bodice of the mating gown she had been hired to do. She gave us a shy smile, and I couldn't help but notice a light blush on her cheeks. What caused that all of a sudden?

"So what brings you by to see me," she asked us as she tied off the beading. "It's been a couple of days since we've seen you, and we missed you," I told her while smiling. She smiled, "I've missed you both as well. I heard what happened at Bargain Alley. Were either of you hurt?"

I kissed her cheek, "We're perfectly fine." Her cheeks became bright as a blush colored them. "That's good," she said with a nod. "How did people here in the slums react to the Alley being shut down," Draven asked her. "They were happy to have that place shut down. They didn't like that it was giving the slums an even worse reputation," she replied. "Plus the less places like that, the better if you ask me."

Draven and I both agreed with her. "Have you eaten lunch yet," Draven asked her. "Not yet," she replied with a shake of her head. "It's our turn to take you to one of our favorite places to eat," I said to her. She nodded, "Okay." She put away her materials and grabbed her coat. She wore a long dress that was a sage green color. Her chestnut hair was in a side braid, a sage green ribbon tied at the end. She wore white snow boots. Her white coat complimented it rather well. She was a bright compared to mine and Draven's darker ensemble. 

We took her to the carriage and I sat beside her, my fingers laced with hers. "How did the Lords react to Bargain Alley being shut down," she asked out of curiosity. "They made it seem like they were happy, but we can tell a few took a financial hit because of it. We're still investigating those who contributed to funding it," Draven replied. 

"So Draven mentioned you enjoy Dragon Lily," I said with a small smirk. She nodded, "I do." "Draven and I plan on taking a trip to Soothing Springs," I told her. "We plan to enjoy a night locked in our room while we're there and enjoy some Dragon Lily and wine if you'd like to join us. It's something we do every now and then to help us relax." Another blush coated her cheeks, "That's a tempting offer." 

She was rather adorable, I thought as we pulled up outside of the restaurant. It was different than the quiet little place Harmony had taken us too, but it wasn't over the top like Draven's taken me to before when he feels like spoiling me. We went in and the hostess bowed her head in greeting before leading us over to a table. "Order whatever you want Harmony darling," I told her as I began to look over the menu. After ordering and having the menus taken I turned my attention to Harmony. 

"Let's play a game of questions," I offered to her. "We'll take turns asking each other questions and answering them." She nodded, "That sounds like fun." "I'll go first," I said easily. "When is your birthday? Mine if April fourteenth and Draven's is November seventh." 

"May nineth," she answered easily.  "What's your favorite colors? Mine is sky blue." "Black," Draven answered. I rolled my eyes, "I have told him for centuries that black is not a color, it's a neutral. Mine is red." We looked at Mr. Quiet and Sexy, waiting on his question. "What do you like to do in your free time," he asked. "I like to read." "I enjoy painting," I replied. "I like to sit and listen to music," Harmony answered. 

We went round and round like that for while until our food arrived. We would ask the occasional question as we ate, but for the most part we ate in comfortable silence. Once we had finished eating we took her for a walk around the square. It was filled with many shops and merchants that traveled about to sell their goods. When I saw the fabric store, I dragged her and Draven inside. Her eyes widened at the vast array of different kind of fabrics. 

"So we've been thinking," I told her. "We want your help in improving the slums. You know so much about that area, and you already do what you can afford. Well being able to afford it, isn't something you need to worry about. We will worry about the state of the roads and buildings, but we want you to take care of the people's needs when it comes to their clothing and such. We want you to make and sell clothes that those of higher class wear, without having to pay so much in order to do so. We're working at getting money into our people's pockets to help them do more than to survive. We want to them to be able to live comfortably, and they can't do that if they're not dressed comfortably in all seasons." 

I watched as her eyes filled with tears as she smiled, "I'd like to help very much." Draven wrapped an arm around her waist and kissed the top of her head. I smiled and turned to look at the shop owner. "We're here for a bulk order," I told her and she smiled. 

After putting in the large order and setting up a day and time for it to be picked up and taken to Harmony's shop, we left. "And use some of the fabric for yourself too," I told her. "You'll soon be queen and you'll need a wardrobe to go with it." Her face reddened and I couldn't help my smile. 

We were walking when Starya approached us. "Your majesties," she greeted with a bow of her head. "If I may ask your highness," she said, turning her attention to me. "I have been wondering who made the dress you wore for Solstice. You haven't worn any other designer in centuries. Am I being replaced," she asked me. "It was one dress Starya," I told her. "But you chose some no body's dress over what I made specifically for you," Starya said. "I asked all of the others around the kingdom, and no one knows who made it." I crossed my arms, "If you must know, it was my mate that made that dress. It will forever be my most cherished piece of clothing, as well as any other she decides to make me. So she isn't some nobody, she's your future queen. If you'd like to keep your job, then you'll do your best to remember that." Her eyes widened and went to Harmony. 

Harmony gave a timid wave wave with a shy smile, "I've been a fan of your work for while. It's really nice to meet you." "I thought I knew all of the seamstresses in the kingdom," Starya said. "I own a small shop near the slums so don't be surprised that we've never met," Harmony told her. "I'm Harmony Dryia." "I'm Starya Galaria," Starya introduced. She was studying Harmony in a way I couldn't read. Did she see Harmony as a threat to her job or was she sizing up her skill as a seamstress. I couldn't tell, and because I couldn't tell, I didn't like it. 

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