Chapter 15

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Harmony's POV

Hearing about what happened to the people who had come to the Torto kingdom hurt my heart, but there was nothing I could do about it. I had no clue how many people there are, or where to even find them. Plus I was a future Queen. If I got caught in the Nilbur Kingdom, I could cause problems between the two kingdoms and that's the last thing I wanted to do. My mates didn't need that headache. There had been plenty of soldiers, including Mackison that could have done something. It's not my fault that they were weak. 

It was late by the time I got ahold of myself. Wanting to talk to Mackison privately, I went to the dungeon in my shadow. It was cold down here, no fires to keep the prisoners warm. It was part of their punishment. During the summer it was most likely unbearably hot with no breezes to circulate the stale air. 

I found his cell easily enough. I slipped between the bars, then pulled him into the shadow with me. "I always hated it when you do that," he whispered, looking around the dark void we were in. I called it my shadow realm. I was able to pull others in with me and move us about undetected. "I wanted to talk privately," I said to him. "Do your mates know," he asked me. I shook my head, "They don't. I should be getting back soon to keep them from worrying more than they already are. I came to talk to you." "About," he asked me. 

"I am sorry for not being there," I told him. "But there isn't anything I can do. I put the sword down and stepped away from that life. Not only that, but I am a future Queen to this kingdom. If I was caught doing anything, it could cause tension between the two kingdoms. Maybe even war if the right people put up enough of a fuss." A war was the last thing anyone needs. I would feel even more guilt if I was the reason a war happened and more lives were lost because of it. I wasn't going to chance it. 

"I am sorry for blaming you Captain," he said to me. I shook my head, "I'm not your Captain, Mackison. I'm simply Harmony Dryia." "You're wrong," he said to me. "You're my future Queen." He had a point there. "You have always been an amazing leader, and I know you will do amazing things for this kingdom." 

"What has you changing your tune," I asked him. "King Draven made me realize I wasn't mad at you. I was mad at myself. I was there when it happened, and I wasn't able to stop it," he confessed. "You and a handful of others had left Nilbur when you had the chance, we had all stayed there out of fear. It's our fault we weren't strong enough." 

We fell into silence for a few minutes. "What is going to happen to me now your highness," he asked me. Draven and Kya wanted to kill him. I had a lot of good memories fighting beside him, all the times we had each others backs, the times we almost died together, and all the times we drank in celebration. He was the only one in our ranks who didn't fear me. He respected me and was always loyal. Today I would repay him for the loyalty he had given me for decades. I took us well outside the palace, to the border of the palace city. We emerged from the shadow in an alley. I took the key I had taken from one of the guards and removed his cuffs. 

"For all the years of loyalty you've given me," I said to him. He looked down at me. Relief shined in his eyes. Then the relief shifted to something else. "I, Mackison McCarty, will forever protect and serve you Harmony Dryia, till we take our last breaths." 

It was the warrior oath. One that would bind him to me as my protector for forever. If I rejected it, then it would hurt him and his pride. If he is bound, unable to do anything more to harm me or the kingdom, Draven may forgive me for releasing him without speaking to him first. 

So I nodded, "I, Harmony Dryia, accept your oath Mackison McCarty." I then sent him off and I went back into my shadow to get back to the palace. I emerged in the room where Draven and Kya were waiting, Draven looking furious. 

"Care to share where he is," Draven asked me. I shrugged, "After I took him to the palace city border, I don't know where he went." "Why would you free him," Draven seethed. "To repay him for the years of loyalty. Back in Torto, he was the only one who served under my order out of loyalty and respect, not fear," I told him. "Torto was always at odds with someone who wanted to wage war against us. He always had my back. There were times, if not for him, I wouldn't be standing here today. What happened to my shop, can be fixed. It's just stuff." 

"You shouldn't so easily forgive," Draven growled. "What if he causes you more problems?" "He ensured he couldn't," I told him. "How," he asked me. "By swearing the warrior's oath to me," I told him. "Until we take our last breaths, he will forever serve and protect me. Because I am a future Queen, that also includes the kingdom." 

Draven growled softly, but his shoulders relaxed. "I will accept you freeing a prisoner without consulting us first, this one time." 

I nodded, "I am sorry for not discussing it first, but I wanted to talk with him in private first and I knew you wouldn't allow that so I thought it best to ask for your forgiveness than to ask permission. It won't happen again." He nodded and pulled me to him, his lips on mine. They were dominating and hungry. I moaned into the kiss, as I relaxed into him. When we pulled away that spark that was always lit within me, was a flame now. 

"Save some for me," Kya said before pulling me from him. She kissed me the same way. It left me wanting them in so many different ways. I did feel bad for not talking to them first, but the way they kissed me, and how they cuddled with me once we were in bed, told me they had forgiven me and that's what allowed me to fall asleep feeling at peace with my decision. 

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