Cold Brew

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"Yuki," The barista addressed himself, "we need to have a serious conversation about self-preservation." In front of him was the scene of Baek Yoon Ho and Hwang Dong Su lunging at each other's throats in front of the Red Gate.

Yuki made eye contact with Woo Jin Chul, who looked less shocked and more annoyed at the situation. Gulping, Yuki held up a cup of coffee mouthing, 'Sorry, truce?' He visibly watched the A Ranker age in front of him.

How he got here was a mystery to even himself. However, looking back on it, it is his fault for thinking it'll be okay.

3 hours earlier.

"Hmm? A Raid?" Yuki clarified, getting to work on the blended cafe mocha for Han Song I. Jin Woo and she were apparently on their way to a Gare, and Jin Woo decided to stop by the cafe and grab a drink.

"It shouldn't be too long. I have the car so if you want you can meet me there and I can drive you home," Jin Woo offered, holding up the car keys on his pointer finger. Yuki smiled, capping the drink and handing it to the high schooler, "Here you go Hang Song I-ssi."

"Thank you, Yuki-ssi," She mumbled, taking the straw and bringing it to her lips. Yuki returned his attention to Jin Woo, passing him a cup of tea. He really shouldn't. Hwang Dong Su will be there, and if Woo Jin Chul is right, then Yuki is on his hit list.

Maybe if he shows up really really late, then there wouldn't be a chance of meeting that Ogre. Yeah!

"Okay, sounds good," Yuki agreed. He ignored the feeling of making a mistake, in favor of waving the two off. It was almost time to lock up, so he'll just wait until 12 ish, and then go.

"Everything will be fine."

End of Flashback

"Everything is not fine," He grumbled, taking a large sip of his coffee and watching Baek Yoon Ho and Hwang Dong Su argue. He stood next to Woo Jin Chul, using him as a shield in case Hwang Dong Su got too close.

"Min Yuki-ssi, what are you doing here?" Woo Chin Jul asked, and Yuki applauded him for hiding his irritation. Yuki doesn't blame him. He's irritated too! Yuki was mentally trying to contact the author of Solo Leveling and tell them to label certain events with time. It is 12 o'clock. Why is this Ogre still here?

"Jin Woo was supposed to pick me up, but he never came. So, I just... walked over," Yuki explained. Both he and Woo Jin Chul released heavy sighs, observing the shitstorm that is beginning to brew because of the two S Ranks.

"He's here for Jin Woo, right?" Yuki asked cautiously, and when Woo Jin CHul didn't give an answer, Yuki sighed.

"He doesn't know your face because you are not a Hunter, therefore he doesn't have access to your information. He only knows your name," Woo Jin Chul informed, and Yuki felt time stop.

He doesn't know your face.... He doesn't know your face...He doesn't...

"IF HE DOESN'T KNOW MY FACE THEN WHAT WAS WITH THE WHOLE YOUR LIFE IS IN DANGER CRAP?!" Yuki whispered/yelled. He could feel his anxiety die and all his fear wash away. The only thing left was anger.

Woo Jin Chul clearly didn't expect the whispered outburst. His focused gaze became one of shock and he turned his attention to the fuming albino. All words died on his tongue as he was met with a glare from burning red eyes. Yes, Yuki was pissed. These past weeks full of anxiety, being escorted home, and basically almost having to put his life on pause because he was under the impression that this giant oaf in front of him knew his damn face. Only for it to NOT be true. Only a name. He only knew Yuki's name and there were so many Min Yuki's in South Korea! Wait, does he even know that Yuki is friends with Jin Woo? Did this pea brain of an S Ranker look that far?!

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