Strawberry Puff Pastry

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Yuki sighed heavily when he received the text from Jin Woo, stating that he was going into a dungeon.

'This is it,' Yuki thought bitterly, making a London Fog for the young couple. 'This is when everything changes.' The oven beeped, alerting the customers and workers that the raspberry almond scones were done.

'He's going to be a murderer after today.' The thought sent shivers down Yuki's spine, making his limbs shake and heart to beat erratically. Could he do it? Could he be friends with someone who's murd-

Yuki shook his head, gritting his teeth and scrunching his nose in distaste for himself. How could he think that? It was either Jin Woo's life or theirs, and quite frankly, Yuki wanted Jin Woo alive. Not to mention, it must have been hard for Jin Woo to take those lives. It was different from monsters because monsters don't speak their language. Plus, they don't look like humans either.

It's much easier to kill something that doesn't speak or look like you.

But humans, people look exactly like one another. They can speak, can cry, can scream, can change the world just like everyone else.

Yuki smiled brightly at the customer, despite his dark thoughts. He'll be there for Jin Woo, even if the other didn't need him to be.

"Here you are, one strawberry milk tea, and a strawberry puff pastry." Yuki smiled politely at the mother holding her child, looking exhausted as the child tugged on her arm.

"Thank you," She sighed, handing the child their strawberry milk tea, and taking the puff pastry for herself. Yuki felt a little bad for the woman. She was a regular, rarely coming in without the child, however, she was always quick to leave when they got their order. The mother could never look him in the eyes, and Yuki didn't blame her. Red eyes weren't the norm, nor was white hair.

It still didn't mean that it didn't hurt.

"I wish customers would at least look you in the eye when they thank you," Baram murmured, her large brown eyes narrowed at some of the patrons. She was one of the few that looked him in the eye when they first met, as a barista and a customer. It was a bright star for Yukiand even helped Baram land her job in the cafe.

"Not everyone is like you, Baram-ssi." Yuki appreciated her comment, despite it being targeted at a customer. The girl huffed, returning her attention to the coffee grinder.

"It's called human decency, Yuki-oppa." The man laughed, the sound almost spellbinding and causing others to smile or chuckle with him. Baram's scrunched face relaxed, and instead, a goofy smile broke out on her young face, uneven dimples making their home on her cheeks.

"I appreciate that Baram-ssi," Yuki beamed at the college student, his cheeks flushing from happiness. This in return made Baram blush, her cheeks aflame and her eyes wide as she took in the male. It wasn't fair. The sun glowed behind him, creating an almost halo effect. It reflected off his white hair and pale skin, making the man almost glow in bright daylight. It was like looking at an Angel.

Baram wasn't the only one gawking at him. Gun Ho was staring at their boss with equally wide eyes, and some of the regulars paused in their drinking and eating.

"You... you shouldn't do that."

"Do what?" The smile turned to a questioning pout.

'What kind of main character power is this?!' Baram screeched.


"Baram-ssi, that's not very helpful." Baram chose to take her break, leaving Yuki puzzled. He glanced at Gun Ho, who shrugged and looked the other way. Yuki was left standing there in front of the freshly baked puff pastries, glancing around in hopes that someone would tell him what just happened.

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