Caffè Breva

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Yuki stared at Min Byung Gyu with unhidden fear and anxiety. It was 6:30 pm, and they have been sitting at the same spot since the cafe closed. Slices of cake half-eaten and coffee cold, Yuki bit his lip as he continued to stare deeply into his friend's eyes. It was happening. The raid on Jeju island was happening, and Min Byung Gyu was going. He had just told Yuki his plans and the barista had no idea how to react to it.

"Byung Gyu-ssi, are you sure?"

"Yes, I already confirmed that I will be going." Yuki's lips trembled, images of his friend's death flashing in his mind. Only, those images were from a manhwa online that had no voice. Min Byung Gyu was a character that was briefly introduced and then killed. Brutally. Yuki knew his voice now. Knew his laugh, his quirks, and his personality beyond the few panels he was in when he was just a character in Solo Leveling.

Yuki burrowed his face in his hands. A migraine forming and the horrific images plaguing his mind.

"You can't even look at an ant. How are you going to fight larger ones?" Min Byung Gyu flinched at the accusation but didn't deny it. It was true. He still struggled to look at insects and the sound of his Hyung's screams echoed in his nightmares. However, to hear Yuki say it out loud made the wound a little bit sorer. A little bit more painful.

"I won't be fighting, I'll just be heal–"

"You will be on an island that is literally infested with them. The chances of you having to fight are high."

"I'll be protected." Yuki clenched his jaw. 'No you won't be. The ant there is gonna eat you!' Taking a deep inhale, Yuki tried to calm himself. It would do no good to get riled up and say more than what needed to be known.

"Hyung-nim will protect me." 'Correction, Baek Yoon Ho will try and protect you.' Yuki huffed, "If the healer is so well protected, then why do they need to send you in? Why not another Healer?" Byung Gyu smiled, "Yuki-ssi, what other S Rank Healer does South Korea have?"

'Jin Woo's potions.' Yuki glanced down and eyed his half-eaten cheesecake. It was a new recipe, one that celebrated the incoming of spring with the use of pink and sakura petals. He was so excited to eat it. Now, it just tasted like ash and mud in his mouth. The texture like a soggy sponger, and each bite sent the taste of ash further around his mouth. Coating his teeth, tongue, and cheeks the disgusting flavor and sponge-like texture. The coffee, which was supposed to be his saving grace, tasted like disappointment and bitterness that had momentarily startled Yuki after the first sip.

"You look upset." Red eyes looked up from the piece of cake and met concerned brown eyes. Min Byung Gyu didn't deserve to die. Such a kind soul, and here he was fated to leave this world in less than a month. In a gruesome way nonetheless. In a way that he didn't deserve. He won't go in his sleep. Or in a hospital bed, surrounded by family and friends. He'll go with a hand through his chest, and his head being bitten clean off in a dangerous tunnel, surrounded by the corpses by ants. Oozing purple blood and no doubt the smell of death beginning to form in the air. While friends stare in shock. Baek Yoon Ho will cry in rage and pain. His eyes will make him see every blood drop, every microexpression, and his ears will hear the squelching of flesh tearing to make room for the hand. Bones splintering and blood rushing.

Min Byung Gyu will die a terrible death, with his Hyung-nim being forced to remember it all.

Yuki buried his face in his hands. For hell's sake, the man was going to be a teacher. Helping kids and helping the future of the world find their passions. It was a job meant for the ex-Hunter. Something Yuki knew he would excel in. Something was passionate about.

"It's okay. I'll come back! Hyung-nim said he wants to come back here too, but he doesn't want to come back alone." Yuki bit his lip. His eyes stinging and his sinuses felt like they were pressing against his skin. God, why did he have to be an S Rank Healer? Why not an E Ranker?

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