Medium Roast

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TW: Race Slur and Homophobic language used!! 

When Jin Woo first saw Yuki, he was only nine years old. Their new neighbors had just moved in, and the Sungs took it upon themselves to greet them to the complex. His father, tall and strong, knocked on the door with his mother next to him and Jin Ah and Jin Woo right besides them.

The door opened slowly, creaking open and exposing a dark entry way. It is only because Jin Woo was at his eye level that he saw him. His father, having to look around for a minute before his sharp eyes looked down and saw the small body peaking through the crack.

"Ah, hello. We are the Sungs, you're neighbors. Who might you be?" The door opened further, and Jin Woo's young eyes met red. Large and dull, taking them all in before looking up to meet his father's. Jin Woo has never seen skin more pale and hair as white as his.

"Min Matsuno Yuki, it's nice to meet you." His voice soft like Jin Woo's blanket, and Jin Woo had momentarily wondered if they were a girl.

"Ah, Yuki-a, is there an adult we can–"

"Yuki, what are you doing?" A woman, thin and haggard looking stumbled into the doorway. Her skin reeking of cigarettes, and it was only because Jin Woo had good manners that he didn't cover his nose. Her eyes, wide and frantic, took in their family and with clenched teeth she grabbed Yuki's thin arm and yanked.

"I'm so sorry! I hope he hasn't offended you in anyway!" Her bow was at the hips and one of her hands was pushing Yuki's head down in a low bow as well. Jin Woo's mother waved her hands, "No no, we were just introducing ourselves. We are your neighbors." The woman, looking up from between greasy strands of hair released Yuki, and slowly straightened herself. Her lips chapped and eyes still unfocused, "Ah, I-I am sorry. My-my son ca-can be quite reckless, so I wa-was worried he offended you."

Jin Woo met red eyes again.

"No, he just opened the door."

He's seen those eyes on the old dog he passes by everyday to school.

"I-I see."

Eyes that looked exhausted with life. They looked exhausted about living.

"Do you want to play?" The adults stopped talking. All eyes were on the two boys. Jin Woo's were only focused on Yuki's. Watching and waiting for some form of light.

"I have a new game, but it's not fun when I'm the only player and Jin Ah doesn't know how to play–"


"–so do you want to play with me?" Jin Woo waited patiently for his answer. He watched how those red eyes flickered to his mother, and then back to him. Cutting the woman off when she opened her mouth, "Yes please." Jin Woo couldn't stop the smile from blooming on his face.

Jin Woo's mind focused back to the present, leaving him wondering when his mind wandered. He's sitting in the large bath tub, Yuki's to be specific, and the other had on only his underwear as he stood in front of the mirror. Taking out his earrings and cleaning his piercings with salt water. His hair now out of it's updo touching his shoulders, looking like silk spider threads. Catching and illuminating the bathroom light.

"Ara, back to the present?" Red eyes met his in the mirror, and Jin Woo could only see amusement. Yuki had on a pleased smile, "You looked like you were trying to think of a way to end world hunger for a minute." Jin Woo chuckled, removing an arm from the hot water and leaning his cheek on his knuckles. His elbow resting against the lip of the tub.

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