Boba Tea

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Someone is going to die today. Maybe, even a group of people. Jin Woo stood on the opposite roof of where Yuki's cafe was, and it was taking all of it within him not to crumble the building beneath his feet. Beru standing behind him, like the good soldier he was, and shivering at the anger Jin Woo omitting.

"If someone is strong–" Beru straightened up "–wouldn't people just leave them and their loved ones alone?" The ant gulped and he lowered his head, "My Liege, maybe they are mocking you." Jin Woo clenched his jaw and some of the building cracked. The aura he was omitting had some of those bystanders sweating and looking around to find the danger.

"It sure seems like it, doesn't it." He glanced at his phone, and read the messages from Go Gun Hee. The older man, Min Byung Gyu, and Jin Ah are unable to get ahold of Yuki and Jin Woo would be panicking if it weren't for Igiris in the other's shadow. He would know if Yuki's life was in danger, even if that danger is himself.

Go Gun Hee, the powerful and well-loved S Rank, has pulled some strings. Using old contacts, he had gotten the video tapes from the security cameras around the area. Jin Woo isn't sure what the old man is planning by giving Jin Woo access to these videos, but he wasn't going to look a gifted horse in the mouth.

Looking back at the cafe, Jin Woo narrowed his eyes once more. He'll visit Yuki right after this. He needs to.

As he was about to leave, his phone started ringing. It wasn't an unfamiliar number, but definitely not a usual caller, "Hello?"

'Mr. Sung, is it true?' Baek Yoon Ho, for how intimidating the man can be, cared a lot about those close to him. Jin Woo is trying to think of the times he and Yuki have gotten close enough for the S Rank to call Jin Woo to check if a rumor is true. His response allows for multiple situations to take place depending on the tiger's answer, "Which one?"

'The cafe. Is it true it's been vandalized?' It's been more than vandalized, but sure. Jin Woo will answer that "Yeah. Everything inside will most likely need to be replaced."

'Jesus.' The Son of God isn't going to be enough to save the fuckers who did this. He already had somewhat of a plan for the people who did this, and it involved some ants. If the tapes don't show enough of their face, it's a good thing Tank has a good sense of smell.

'I'll tell the others then, just to confirm it for you so you don't get spammed.' Jin Woo wondered just when they got that close that the tiger would do that for him. Once again, he's not going to look a gifted horse in the mouth.

"I appreciate it." Pocketing the device, he gave the crowd and the cafe one last glance. A smiling man caught his eye, and Jin Woo didn't hesitate to put a soldier on the man's shadow. Even if he wasn't the one to do this, laughing at Yuki's pain is punishable.

Jin Woo will make sure everyone remembers that.

Using Shadow Exchange, he walked into Yuki's bedroom. Despite it being only around 2 pm, the room was dark and all hints of light had been snubbed. The curtains were drawn on all windows, and the little hallway light pulled out of the outlet. Clothes were thrown haphazardly on the ground, and the smell of cigarettes filled his nose. Glancing at the bed, Jin Woo took note of the soju bottle and the full ashtray.

Walking over to the bed, where an obvious lump in the covers was, Jin Woo rested his hand where he thought Yuki's shoulder was. Sitting on the edge of the mattress, Jin Woo rubbed Yuki's shoulder and back. The silence was all the only thing he could offer the other right now, and until he got the perpetrator's head, he still wouldn't show Yuki. All he could offer the other would be the simple phrase, "It's been dealt with." Until then, this was all he could do.

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