Pound Cake

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Jin Woo wondered what Yuki would say if he knew what Jin Woo is planning to do. He wondered if the other would beg him to not go. To not go back to the Dungeon that almost killed him. He wondered if the other would give him that soft smile, filled with brittle faith and fear. Would he hand him a cup of coffee, made with thoughts and prayers? Would he kiss him like it would be their last?

The S Rank stared at his hands, large and callused and he imagined smaller and softer hands fitting perfectly within his grip. He knows that if Yuki were here, he would be kissing Yuki like it would be their last. After seeing him collapse, blood gushing out of his mouth and now this sleep that feels as though it has been years, Jin Woo knows each kiss, touch, and whisper will be important. It will be the type of treasure that only a select few know about. The type only a select few can touch, and even then, they couldn't touch him long.

Yuki is Jin Woo's most precious treasure, and Jin Woo wondered if the other knows this. Has he said it enough times? Has he shown it enough? He hopes he has because the very thought of Yuki not knowing had Jin Woo clenching his jaw and gripping the key tighter. Jin Woo hopes Yuki knows just how important to him he is. He hopes Yuki knows how much of a grip he has on Jin Woo's soul and mind. His thoughts constantly orbit around Yuki, similar to planets orbiting the sun. His heart nestled snuggly within those crooked pale fingers.

Jin Woo wonders, not for the first time if it would be better to just keep Yuki here. To keep him safe and protected, away from stressful things and away from danger. He's got a balcony, a kitchen, a bed, and a bath. For some people, that is enough. It is enough to be content with life. However, Jin Woo knows that doing that would only make Yuki more stressed. Similar to a bird, Jin Woo wanted to keep Yuki in a gilded golden cage, intricately designed to look beautiful and protect the being inside. He wanted Yuki to only need him.

But Yuki was a free soul. One that would snarl and bare his teeth at Jin Woo if he ever tried. It is through this simple act, of letting Yuki do Yuki, that Jin Woo can show how much he loves him. Putting Yuki's desires above his own, and only stepping in when he had to.

"Yuki, wake up soon." He is so in love with the other, Jin Woo can feel himself start to go crazy. The very thought of Yuki dying has his heart racing and anger burning deep within his chest and he feels the need to lash out. The thought of Yuki no longer being in this world had Jin Woo contemplating how to end it.

"I'm going crazy." Jin Woo released his grip on the key and took a deep breath. Calming his thoughts and nerves as he prepared himself.

Jin Woo watched the time clock count down as readied his shoes. The minutes turned into seconds, and the feeling of curiosity turned to dread as memories of his last time in there resurfaced.

'No, I am stronger now.' A tragedy like last time will not happen. His mother is now awake and he doesn't want to add to her burden. With one child already going to therapy for one trauma, he doesn't want to add another child going to the hospital. Especially since Yuki was already in there and causing her worry.

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and stilled his beating heart. By going in there, he may also find something for Yuki. He might be able to help with whatever the hell is going on with Yuki. Looking forward, he clenched his jaw and threw on his hood. He's ready. Jin Woo has to be because the timer ends now. The notification glowed brightly in front of him, alerting him that the Temple was ready for him.

Reminding him that he is ready for the Temple. The place where this all started.

The place where it all started.

The place where it all started.

Where it all started.

Where it all started.

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