Caffè Americano

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Jin Woo held Yuki's hand as the man continued to sleep. It's been a week since the school incident, and Yuki showed no signs of waking up. The dark circles under his eyes finally lightened as he got the much-needed rest, but even that didn't stop Jin Woo from worrying. The past week has been agonizing, and Jin Woo could feel his temper shortening. He took out another one of the people who destroyed Yuki's cafe. It was the person who spilled blood all over the countertops and broke the photos.

"Pigs blood! It was pig's blood!" Jin Woo stood above the quivering man, glaring down at him and having his foot on the man's hand. It's already been crushed, but the way Jin Woo could feel each individual bone give out from under the sole of his shoe made him continue adding pressure.

"Pl-please! I-I didn't know he was with you. I-I was on-only there for the ride man!" He sobbed, and Jin Woo clenched his jaw.

"Cause that's better. Tearing up someone's treasure just because others are doing it." The amount of pressure Jin Woo applied to his foot broke the concrete under the hand and had the man squealing. The S Rank chuckled, "You sound just like the animal whose blood now covers those counters and machines."

Summoning his orcs, he got off of the man and motioned with his head for the orcs to get started.

"N-no, please! Please! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" High Orcs weren't known for their kind way of killing. There was no mercy in their form of righteous violence. Jin Woo watched as one orc took their club to the man's leg.

High Orcs weren't the most violent way to go, the first guys were torn apart by ants, but these orcs who can feel their Master's anger, were afraid of having this punishment be over before their Master said it could be.

Jin Woo doesn't enjoy killing other humans. It's not his favorite thing in the world, and if he could he'd rather not do it. However, when it comes to the people he needs to protect, Jin Woo is more than happy to annihilate anyone that poses a threat. Sometimes, the only way to get through to people is by simply getting rid of them. Was it a good mindset? No. Will Yuki have his head if he finds out? Absolutely. However, that is also why Yuki will not find out. It is why his mother and sister will not find out what he does to protect his family.

He brought the hand to his lips, kissing the knuckles and then leaning over to press a soft kiss against Yuki's forehead. Some part of him wished that the other would stir, like sleeping beauty, and awaken with true love's kiss. That was fantasy and this is reality.

Taking his leave, he ran into Yujin on his way out. The doctor raised an eyebrow at him, "Shouldn't you be out doing what Hunters do?" Jin Woo snorted, "I already did. Just saying good night." Yujin hummed, watching Jin Woo as he left before walking into Yuki's room. The curtains open and cast an orange glow over his sleeping body. He looked over his cousin, trying to spot any marks before checking his vitals.

The good news is that Yuki is completely normal. Nothing was showing up that would be causing concern, it just that he is asleep. If their predictions about Yuki's rank are correct, then it makes sense as to why he needs a few days to recover.

Yujin glanced at the shadow underneath the bed and gulped when he saw narrowed blue eyes staring back at him. It stared at him as if he was the threat.

Yujin tucked his cousin in once more and exited the room, taking a deep breath as he did so. Contrary to popular belief, Yujin didn't hate Sung Jin Woo. In fact, he didn't even dislike the man. In terms of a Hunter, Yujin recognizes and applauds every sacrifice and accomplishment Jin Woo has done. In terms of a human, Yujin recognizes that he is a man with good intentions and has the drive to complete his goals. Sung Jin Woo is applaudable and has Yujin's respect as a doctor.

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