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"I have business to attend to when we get back home," Jin Woo whispered in Yuki's ear as they walked to the plane. Yuki raised an eyebrow, "Is it about Yoo Jin Ho's father?" He smiled when Jin Woo raised an eyebrow, "The Hunter Association gets notified whenever someone falls into Eternal Sleep."

Jin Woo nodded in understanding, brushing his shoulder against Yuki's and smiling when Yuki looked up at him once more. All he wanted was for those red eyes to remain on him. Shining brightly and looking as if they were glowing, Jin Woo needed those redder-than-ruby eyes on him.

He felt the glare of Gyoto Ryuji on his back, and it was only when Yuki was in front to board the jet that Jin Woo sent a glare back. From the terrified look on the Gyoto Ryuji, he might have sent some killing intent his way as well. Jin Woo smirked, following Yuki and sitting next to him in the first class.

"Were you busy when I was gone?" He asked, leaning his cheek on his hand and gazing expectantly. Yuki hummed, "Our relationship is public, but I'm sure you knew that." Jin Ho made sure Jin Woo was aware of that. He showed him a video of the NEWS and some of the comments made.

"A little bit. It was more of the paparazzi than anything else." Jin Woo hummed, watching Yuki fidget, "Are they bothering you?" Yuki smiled an exhausted smile that barely turned the corners of his lips, "They are paparazzi, they bother everyone. They'll be there when we arrive at the airport as well."

It was a life Jin Woo was still getting used to. Going from a nobody to a somebody, almost in less than a day. He struggled to get used to the amount of cameras that followed him, and it seemed wherever he went there was always someone taking a photo. Always trying to catch him messing up or doing something, and growing frustrated when the only photo that came was of him either extremely blurry or the perfect shot.

Yuki and Jin Woo's family were the few people who had embarrassing photos of h–

'There was that time at the Hunter's Association.' His first official day as a legally declared S Rank, and he had come face to face with the sea of paparazzi outside for the first time. He remembers how hard Yuki had laughed and the photo of them in that workroom.

The way Yuki's face was still bright and excited about everything that was to come, and the cafe was alive and in one piece. Back when all Yuki had to worry about was being a cafe owner.

'Speaking of cafe, I think I have waited long enough for the last one.' Jin Woo, in a fit of cruelty on sadism, kept one of the men alive. Just one. He wanted that man to know Jin Woo was coming for him. To live every waking minute in fear and regret. Constantly looking over his shoulders and watching his shadows, Jin Woo couldn't wait to see the expression on the man when he showed up.

Would he cry in fear or in relief? Finally, his paranoia would be ending, but at the expense of his life.

"I wonder what are the chances of being seated next to someone you know..." Jin Woo and Yuki's eyes focused on a smiling Adam White, "I hope you're not going to claim this as a coincidence."

The ginger chuckled, "It would be great if you thought it was, but that would be pushing it." Adam met Yuki's red eyes, and they both smiled pleasantly at one another. Ice blue eyes met glowing red, and smiles that only turned the corner of lips.

"It is great to also meet South Korea's newest S Rank." Yuki nodded, "It's nice to meet you. I must say, your Korean is pretty amazing. If I didn't know any better I would have thought you grew up there." Adam chuckled, "Thank you. It's always reassuring to hear my language skills are keeping up."

Yuki didn't hate Adam White. Despite the man trying to recruit Jin Woo, Yuki understands that the ginger is just doing his job. In fact, Yuki thinks Adam would be a pleasant conversationalist.

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