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NOTE: There is some gore. Not a whole lot, but like... kids are getting murked so just be cautious.

'How ominous.' Yuki eyed the dark clouds swirling in the air above the high school. In his hands were Jin Ah's papers, forgotten at his place as she rushed out of his home this morning. 'That girl,' Yuki tried to smile as he entered the gates, looking up and seeing Jin Ah waving at him from the window.

He hoped his smile looked passable, because right now, his stomach was churning. He knows something is going to happen. He can feel the memories trying to burst through that mental block he has going on, but the wall is not budging. Holding up her papers, so Jin Ah can see them, he chuckled when she started clapping.

"Just go in, get out." Gulping, he stepped through the front doors and smiled at the teacher waiting for him.

"Hello, you must be Min Yuki-ssi." He nodded, "Correct. You are Jin Ah's home room teacher?" The older woman smiled, nodding and welcoming him in. She looks kind, with smile lines on her face and eyes that show she's seen enough to know what she is talking about. Smiling, and hiding the fact he is shaking, he follows her.

"Jin Ah talks a lot about you and Mr. Sung Jin Woo-ssi, so I was hoping to take the chance to talk to you." Yuki nodded, "Only if you have the time." 'Please say no. Please say no. Please say no!'

"Of course I do! It's almost lunch for them, so Jin Ah will still by the office to pick up her papers." 'FUCK!' Yuki continued to smile, following the teacher and ignoring some of the passing students.

'Hey isn't that-'

'It is. Did you see what they did to the cafe?'

'How terrible! I loved that place.'

'Not to mention if rumors are true, they are messing with S Rank Sung Jin-'

"Here we are. Would you like some coffee?" Yuki's attention focused back on the woman, and she had on a sympathetic smile. He wondered if he looked as pathetic as he felt. He held the papers in trembling fingers, "Thank you, but no. I already had a cup on the way here." The teacher smiled, motioning for the two of them to sit on the sofa.

The teacher did not mention the whispers, or the rumors. Instead she took the papers from Yuki's hands, and quickly scanned over them. Her smile turning soft as she flicked through the pages, "Jin Ah is such a bright student. I'm happy to see she has such a supportive family behind her." Yuki blinked, then chuckled, "Jin Ah has always been smart. Its been fun watching her expand her knowledge."

The woman chuckled, "Are you aware of what Jin Ah's dream job is?" Yuki nodded, how could he not know? Everyone knew it, because she would go around screaming it at the top of her lungs when they were little. All the games they played, and her forcibly making him be the patient.

"She wants to be a doctor." The woman nodded, "She does have the smarts for it. Not to mention that studious attitude." Warm brown met his, and Yuki wondered if this woman was a mother. If she could look at a stranger like that, he wonders what type of gaze she gives her kids.

"She has told me that you are the reason for her wanting to be a doctor."




"Me?!" The woman laughed and Yuki could feel his cheeks heating up, "Yes. She's quite adamant about it to." Yuki buried his face in his hands, "Jin Ah~" He whined, ignoring how the woman continued to laugh and how loud the bell was.

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