Chapitre Onze

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Chapter 11

"Hike!" The boys' wolves took off sprinting. We were on the last day of training. I watched, observing how fluent the wolves were moving. They've gotten used to the half muddy - half solid dirt. They'll be amazing with their footing by the time we get back to the pack.

An arm snaked around my waist as he observed, taking in every little detail about their training.

"How are they doing?"

"Better. What are you doing out here?" Sylver sighed, keeping me still. I glanced over my shoulder, and he was looking straight ahead.

"I needed to get things off my mind," he replied. His features made him appear on edge and exhausted. My eyes narrowed at the heart wrenching sight, but I didn't question it right then and there. If he wanted to tell me, he would. He wouldn't hide from me.

As far as you know, a voice echoed around me. I tensed at the sound, jumping in my spot. I glanced around on alert. Who was that?

"-lynn," a faint, background whisper called. Hot breath met my ear, and I ended up shivering. "Little one."

"Sylver?" I asked. "What is it?"

"What's wrong?" My cheeks heated. He noticed. He's a damn Alpha I tell you. Or I'm actually as easy to read as an open book.

"Its nothing. Don't worry about it too much," I answered. The boys split from the trees, returning to me. They nuzzled against me as a sign of affection and loyalty. Sylver didn't say anything. He simply stayed quiet and watched them. My Beta apparently sniffed his mate because he paused his movements before zipping past me. I giggled. They'll all end up like that. "Go get washed up. We're leaving for the pack tomorrow."

My group howled before leaving for their respected rooms. I watched them as Sylver kept his eyes on their retreating forms. I wonder what he was thinking right now.

"I don't know how I feel about the lovey dovey stuff," he said as if he just read my mind. I blinked in surprise, glancing up at him.

"Lovey dovey stuff?" I quizzed. "You mean the nuzzling?"

"Yeah." He looked away. My eyebrows furrowed in worry.

"Sylver. It was affection, trust, and loyalty. Trust me on this. You'll know what a flirtatious nuzzling wolf would look like. That was not them. And why on Earth would Dominic be flirting with me when he's, for starters, gay. Second, he has a mate."

"Fine," he sighed. How did they do?"

"Broke their record." I looked at the timer that I stopped when they reached me. "By a whole 27 seconds."

"At least they're getting better."

"Yeah. And they'll be even faster on the dry, level turf back home. I think I'm just worried about them surpassing me," I laughed. He chuckled, and with a smile, his face nuzzled my neck.

 He chuckled, and with a smile, his face nuzzled my neck

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(July 4th)

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