Chapter five

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*After class*

*Pansy approaches Serenity and Draco*

Pansy: Can I speak with you for a moment Draco?

Draco: Um okay? Serenity wait for me in the common room.

Serenity: Um okay.

*Pansy takes Draco into a broom cupboard*

Draco: What's this for? Little too much privacy isn't it?

Pansy: It's necessary.

Draco: for what?

Pansy: You stay away from that new girl you hear me? She's bad business! Messing with the Potters is bad news for all of us!

Draco: She's harmless! She barely knows how to do magic!

Pansy: I've seen her out on a broomstick! She's just like her bother! Arrogant and petty!

Draco: She's nothing of the sort! She's a sweet, beautiful girl!

Pansy: That's what you told me!

Draco: So, what?

*Pansy kisses Draco*

*He attempts to pull away put she grabs her wand and points it at his chest*


*Draco cries in pain and the cuts and gashes appear across his body*

Pansy: You will see to it that you stay away from her!

*Back in the Slytherin common room*

Serenity: Draco is taking so long, somethings up I bet!

*She jogs back to the area they were*

*She notices a blood stain coming from under a doorway*

Serenity: That's weird.

*She opens the door and screams*

Serenity: Draco?! What happened?!

*Draco only looks at her and moans in pain*

Serenity: Draco?! Did Pansy do this?!

*Draco nods but winces as he does so*

Serenity: I'm going to find help! You stay here!

*Draco moans again*

*Serenity runs into Snape's classroom*

Snape: What do you need now Serenity?

Serenity: It's Draco! Pansy did something to him! He won't stop bleeding! I don't know what she did, but he told me to go to the common room and wait there! But I figured something was up! So I came and I found him in a cupboard! Please sir you must help him!

Snape: Slow down! Slow down! Where is he?

Serenity: This way!

*They sprint to the spot where Draco lays*

Snape: This spell has been used on him before. By your brother.

Serenity: Just please help him!!

*Snape uses the healing spell he used on Draco last time this happened*

Snape: Do you know the levitation spell?

Serenity: Kind of.

Snape: Take him to the hospital. Ill inform the headmaster.

*Serenity uses the spell and carries Draco to the hospital wing.

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