Chapter Twenty-Two

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All eyes were on me. Well on the dark mark the was showing. Draco pulled me over to Harry and Ron, who scooted over so we could sit. I was in a tee shirt so I couldn't cover the mark with my sleeve. Draco grabbed my hand and pulled it towards him so my forearm was covered. I smiled in thanks. One voice broke the Silence.

"We called you here today to make an announcement!" Hermione had entered the room. "Voldemort is going to attack Hogwarts within the year!" Murmurs of curiosity and fear flew throughout the room. "And we have to be prepared to fight! That is why, Me, Harry, Serenity, Ron and Draco have decided to revamp Dumbledore's Army!"

"Why is he here?!" A Ravenclaw girl yelled and pointed to Draco. "He's a death eater! And she is too!" and with that comment, chaos rang throughout the room.

"SILENCE!" Harry yelled. "Both my sister and Draco received the dark mark against their wills! You cannot judge them for something like that! If you disagree, leave before I make you!" Fear formed on the crowd of people. No one wanted to leave, but I could tell they were thinking about it.

"Now!" Hermione's voice broke as she spoke. "You may leave, but bring anyone else who wishes to join! From any house! The next meeting is same time next week! See you then!" The people rushed out as fast as they could.

"Harry," I held Harry's arm, his face was red with anger. "Relax Harry. They have a right to be scared if they don't know the truth.

"That didn't give them a right to insult you in such ways!" he has his teeth gritted, it was obvious he wanted to scream.

"Harry," I began but he attempted to leave. "Harry stop!" I pointed my wand and used the "Immobulous" charm on him i turned him around, mid step and pulled him towards me. He was glaring at me. I pulled him into a hug while using the counter curse in my head. he relaxed against my touch and hugged back.

"Sis, I've never been that angry before." He had his face in my shoulder.

"Your showing symptoms of Vela Harry." I whispered. He laughed was muffled by my shoulder.

"i think it's a time for a change on scenery." Draco suggested when he pulled himself together. "C'mon lets change this up." He used a levitating charm on us and floated us out the door. Then he paced the hall three times then re opened the door. The room was completely transformed! there was three doors.

"i call the door on the right!" I yelled as Draco released the levitating spell. He lifted me into his arms and we pulled into the room. It was a huge bedroom and bathroom with a king sized bed. I smirked at him as he set me down on the bed and kissed me softly. I pulled away and put my hands on his chest.

"I think we need to shower." I smirked and pulled off my clothes. he did the same. he scooped me into his arms again and pulled me into the huge shower the room of requirement made for us. He turned the water to a soft warn temperature and placed me down on the tiled floor. He washed himself head to toe with no means of hiding himself.

"Y'know, i could get used to this." I ran my fingers up his calf to his knee, and up to his mid thigh. he moaned quietly and i smirked and reached up to him.

He got on his knees next to me and helped me wash myself from head to toe. Once we washed, we kissed for a while just wasting water. He was tired I could tell, so after a while I turned off the shpwer and had him carry me to bed.

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