Chapter Nineteen

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*"NO!" I screamed and sat bolt upright.*

I wasn't in the bedroom anymore. I was in a full body latex suit, lying on the floor in a dim lit basement. I didn't dare speak another word. Maybe the nightmare was me listening to Voldemort's thoughts. Then it hit me. If that was what he said, was I with him?! Was everyone d-dead?! The sound of creaking metal met my ears. My Vela tattoo burned and i screamed in pain. A cold voice met my ears.

"Hello Ms. Potter. We meet again. I do believe last time we met, you managed to rid me of my powers. I intend to bring you to the right side. You have power that matches your brothers. You may posses power I do not, but i will not cease to find it. So today, i intend to make you, kill your loved ones."

"I will never do anything for you!" I spat in his face. The white hot pain in my Vela mark burned even more. I screamed in pain again.

"If you intend to resist me, well dear Ms. Potter, i will have to break you. So shall we begin?"

I spat on the floor and braced for pain.

"CRUCIO!" The pain hit me like wildfire i screamed and called out for Draco to hear me.


The pain in my finger jolted me awake.

"SERENITY!?" I yelled. My ring was burning white hot. I burst through the door and ran to Harry and Ginny's room. I burst through the door, making Ginny scream and Harry froze me with a spell.

"Crap Draco!" he released me, i fell on the floor and held up my ring.

"Serenity's in pain, i feel the pain in my ring. Fuck it hurts!" I gasped.

"Christ Draco c'mon lets go get her!" Harry cried and dragged me to my feet. We rushed around the house, i woke Ron and Hermione, and Harry woke Mr. and Mrs. Weasley.

"Christ mate!" Ron yelled as I burst through the door. I explained the thing with the ring and Hermione screamed when said she was in pain.

"We could try a spell to track her thoughts!" Hermione cried to me as i was leaving.

"i think that would prove useful!" I called as i ran back to my room and changed. i put on some black pants and a white tee shirt. I sprinted down the stairs and almost ran over Hermione, who has her face in a book.

"Draco! I found the spell! It's call Letilimency much like legitimacy, but used through a pair of objects connected by owners. The person trying to perform the spell through objects much imaging the two objects aligning inside their head and say what they need to communicate inside their head. If the spell works, the person holding or wearing the other object will hear the others thoughts. All you have to do is tell her how to do it! Then you can speak to each other through the rings!"

"That's great! Gather everyone in the living room! Let's find her!"

Hermione called to everyone to meet in the living room. They gathered on the couches and watched Draco carefully as he attempted the spell.

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