Chapter Twenty-Three

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I woke up wrapped in Draco's arms. I attempted to get up but he woke up and pulled me back on top of him.

"Do you want me to pee my pants?" I sarcastically asked him.

"Um." He hesitated. "No."

"So let me up."

"Fine." I pushed myself up and limped to the bathroom. Once I was finished, I limped back to the bed and flopped down on top of him. Accept that he wasn't there anymore. He was gone. I pulled on some clothes and called.

"Draco? Draco where'd you go?" I immediately got worried and knocked loudly on the door next to ours.

"What?" Came Harry's drowsy reply.

"Is Draco in there?!" I yelled through the door.

"No! Why would he be in here?!" Harry opened the door, he was disheveled.

"Well he's missing. And I'm getting antsy." I scolded him. "I'm asking Hermione." I sauntered off to the third room.

"HEY!" I yelled through the door. "GET DRESSED! DRACOS GONE!" I heard muffled curses and groans as Ron and Hermione got out of bed.

"When did you last see him?" Hermione asked when she exited the room.

"I went to the bathroom and he was gone!" I was having a panic attack.

"Sis calm down!" Harry grabbed my arm. "I'm sure he's fine!"

"shit, Shit, SHIT! OW! My ring is burning!" And my red was burning right through my top layer of skin.

"Use Letilimency!" Hermione suggested.

"right! Okay!" I concentrated really hard on the spell.

"DRACO?! ARE YOU OKAY?!" I screamed through the rings and a few seconds later, a hoarse reply came.

"Serenity, stop screaming. But yes I'm not okay. I don't know where I am, does Hermione know a tracking spell through the rings?"

"Hermione! Is there a tracking spell we can use to find Draco? Cause he doesn't know where he is!"

"Um yes! There is! But it may take a while! tell him that!"

"There is a spell yes, but it will take a bit to use. Tell me if something happens to you!"

"I will, don't worry. I love you..."

"I love you more..."

"I love you most."

"Not possible..."

"You wish!"

"I do..."

"Okay. What's the spell?" I asked Hermione.

"It's called, Appare Vestigium!" Hermione shoved a book in my hands.

"Oh! I know that spell!" I conjured the spell and several spell remnants floated into view.

"A sedating spell, and two apparations." Hermione said after examining them.

"Looks like two people and Draco." I said.

"Look!" Harry turned my head. "There's a trail!"

I followed the trail down the halls of Hogwarts, the trail led into the forest.

"Should we follow?" Ron asked me.

"Yeah but im hungry, accio muffins!" And four muffins flew towards them.

"Thanks!" Harry said.

"C'mon lets eat on the way!" I took a bite of my muffin and ran into the dark forest.

"Serenity wait!" Ron, Hermione and Harry called after me. I ran for five minutes straight, jumping over logs and rocks with high speed. I stopped to catch my breath, and I noticed my ring burning white hot pain. I groaned and dropped to my knee's. I felt Harry lift me up and continued following the trail.

"Let me guess." Harry said to me. "The rings burning again."

"Yeah." My voice was straining and my teeth were gritted. "Ah, fuck! He's in pain. It's the crut-" My voice caught in my throat and my heart dropped. I could hear a muffled scream coming from somewhere close.

"Serenity be quiet. Or we'll be spotted." Harry covered my mouth with his hand. I bit it and he pulled it away, glaring at me. I pulled out of his grip and fell on the ground. I crawled to the muffled screams, my ring was making me light headed from the pain, but I moved on. Eventually the pain stopped, the screams stopped, my first thought was, He's dead. But I made myself think he was unconscious after a while.

I could hear voices from my position. Not death eaters, the voices were younger. School kids! I drew in closer, they were crouching in front of an unconscious body.

"Draco?" I said in my mind. "Draco are you awake?"

"Serenity?" his hoarse reply came. "Serenity get away from here it's not safe!"

"You know I can't do that." I got up and raised my wand.

The hooded figures turned and stared.

"Mr. Malfoy?"

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