Chapter fifteen

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*That night*

*Serenity is changing into cute PJ's*

*She makes her way up to the astronomy tower*

*Halfway up the stairs, she hears music. Slow, dancing music*

*She smiles and continues up the stairs*

*Draco is at the top. He is wearing a suit*

Serenity: Shoot! I look so gross! You dressed up!

Draco: You look beautiful.

*Serenity blushes*

*A new slow song starts playing*

Draco: Dance?

Serenity: Sure. But you'll have to teach me.

*They laugh*

*Draco grabs her waist. She grabs his shoulder*

*They sway in a slow circle. To the beat of the music*

Draco: Like the song?

Serenity: It's all so perfect. This is amazing.

*She looks at him*

Draco: May I?

*She nods*

*He kisses her gently. She kisses back*

Draco: To early?

Serenity: A bit. But that's okay, I don't mind.

*They kiss for what seems like seconds*

*After a few hours Serenity realizes what time it is*

Serenity: Shit! Its 2 am! We must get back!

*They giggle and sprint back down the stairs*

*No one is around so they make it back to the common room unseen*

*When they enter, Draco brings Serenity to his room. All the other boys are nowhere to be seen*

Draco: It's nice having no roommates sometimes.

Serenity: Now, where were we?

*They resume making out on Draco's bed. But didn't get farther than that*

*At five am Draco sees the time*

Draco: You should sleep. You look exhausted.

Serenity: Okay.

*She falls asleep with her head on his chest and his arm around her*

*In nightmare*

Voldemort: Crucio!

*Serenity screams*

*She wakes up screaming again*

*She starts crying*

Draco: You're okay. I'm here.

Serenity: New nightmare. He was torturing me.

Draco: It's not real. Its just a dream. You're safe.

Serenity: I know. But what time is it?

Draco: Like seven. Want to get some coffee?

Serenity: Sure.

*They walk down to the common room and make coffee*

*The room is empty, they are alone*

Serenity: What do I tell Harry?

Draco: Don't. he will find out on his own eventually.

Serenity: I don't know. If I tell him, will he hate us?

Draco: It's a possibility. But no I don't think so.

Serenity: Then I'm telling him.

Draco: Okay.

Serenity: Go get dressed.

Draco: That was harsh. I could say the same.

*They both go get dressed*

*They come back in her robes*

Draco: Why do you look good in everything?

Serenity: I don't know. Why do I?

*They go to class*

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