Chapter Twenty-Six

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I awoke from a nightmare with a jump. My head was spinning and my vision was blurry. Did I drink last night? Was I drugged? I staggered around for a bit until I realized where I was.

"No... Not here." I wasn't in Draco's room anymore. I was in the basement of the Malfoy Manor again.

But the room had changed. There was a bed now, and a small bathroom. What were they going to do to me now? I paced the room for a bit until I heard distant footsteps coming down a staircase nearby. I sprang back and fell backwards on the bed. The barred doors of the basement quietly opened and Narcissa Malfoy entered the room.

"Serenity, you need to run. Now! Their going to kill you! You need to run!" She pushed me out the door.

"Hex me, so they think you fought me!" She said as she handed me my wand.

"Um, Levicorpus!" I made her dangle by her foot from the ceiling.

"Now go! Go out the back door! Apparate back to Hogwarts, I informed Draco about your kidnapping."

"Thank you Mrs. Malfoy!" I said as I ran up the stairs. "I owe you my life!"

I ran throughout the house, as quietly as possible. I skidded around corners and flew up staircases. After thirty minutes of searching for an exit, I saw the back door. I ran full speed at it and smashed through it. I immediately apparated back to Hogwarts, setting off about thirty alarms. Ten teachers rushed out of the building with wands pointed at my chest.

"Sweet Jesus Serenity!" Professor McGonigal screeched as she saw who I was. "You scared the socks off of us!"

"Sorry Professor," I said while panting from all the running. "I just escaped from the Malfoy Manor. And I want you to do your best in forgiving Narcissa Malfoy. She helped me escape and doent deserve punishment for her actions."

"Very well my dear!" McGonigal said. "Now lets get you up to the hospital wing! Your bleeding in several different places!" And she led me up to the hospital wing.

"My goodness your filthy!" Madam Pomphrey screeched when she saw my state. "Come! Your wounds could get infected!" It was at that point I realized how bad I was injured. I had three huge gashed on my left arm.

"I probably got them from running through the back door of the house!" I said with a laugh.

"Well you sit down now their pretty deep!" And she spent the next thirty minutes healing up the wounds and wrapping them in bandages.

"I'll go fetch your friends." She said once she finished.

"Alright." I sat there thinking about why Narcissa would've helped me escape. Did she have a motive? Was she hurt? Or punished? I don't know. All I know is that I will forever be in her dept. She saved my life.

"SERENITY!?" I heard yells from down the hall. Draco, Harry, Ron and Hermione burst through the door.

"OH MY GOD!!!" Draco ran for me and scooped me up in his arms.

"You had me worried sick!" He yelled in my face.

"Well I'm sorry I got kidnapped again!" I retorted. I kissed him deeply. After three seconds, Ron butted in.

"Ahem! Hello? Anyone home?"

"Sorry!" I laughed as Ron and Hermione hugged me.

"Y'know sis," Harry said as he hugged me. "You've been in danger more in one year, than I have in three years.

"HA! BEAT YOUR RECORD!" I cried and punched the air.

"You wish!" Harry retorted.

"Okay, okay," Hermione butted in. "We have a meeting today remember?"

"Right!" I said. "I'm hungry though! Lets get some food! DOBBY!"

"Yes Mistress Potter?" Dobby squeaked as he apparated in front of us.

"Hi Dobby! Can we get some breakfast for all of us? And could you send it to the room of requirement?" I asked Dobby.

"Yes of course!" He answered. "Anything for mistress Potter!" And he disappeared with a crack.

"Okay?" I said to everyone else. "Now lets go to the room! Race you!" And I sprinted towards the seventh floor.

"I'm totally going to beat you!" I heard Harry sneer from behind.

"Not a chance!" I heard Ron call as well.

I started to realize I was moving extra fast at around the sixth floor staircase. I whipped around to see a slowing spell slowly coming my way. I ducked as it soared over my head.

"YOU CHEATER!" I yelled down the stairs at the others.


"VELA POWERS DUMBASS!" I sneered and ran on. I reached the room in a flash, the others still on the staircase. I formed the training room and stepped inside. There was a small living area in a corner, I lay down on a couch. Harry came bursting through the door first.

"HA! I BEAT THEM!" He was mid punch in the air as he noticed me lying down. He froze for a moment, just as Draco came bursting through the door, knocking Harry down underneath him.

"Sweet Jesus boys!" Hermione came next. She opened the door wider, Ron fell through the door, landing on Harry and Draco. Who were just getting up off the ground.

"HA!" I cried and burst out laughing.

"Not fair! You have vela powers!" Harry complained as he got up.

"I didn't use them until you fired that spell at me! That's when the speed kicks in!" So technically, its your fault I won!" I sneered and giggled in my seat.

At that point, I could hear the D.A members coming up the stairs to the meeting.

"The people are coming." I said and positioned myself on the couch comfortably. Draco sat beside me, putting his arm around my shoulders. I felt the safe warmth spread throughout me as his skin came in contact with mine.

But this warmth disappeared very quickly. Because the first D.A member to walk through the room doors was none other than Pansy Parkinson.

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