Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Mr. Malfoy? Mrs. Lestrange?!" I gasped and stumbled backward.

"Well look what we have here!" Bellatrix raised her wand at me. "The Potter girl! Came to save her pathetic lover!"

"How dare you insult him!" I spat in her face and raised my wand.

"And she gets all overprotective!" Lucius remarked.

Bellatrix fired a hex at me, it seemed to move in slow motion. I moved sideways, away from the spell. Lucius shot next, his was even slower. I could tell he was weak. I ducked under and lunged at him. He was in shock so I got three good punches in. Bellatrix was also transfixed for a moment. But she recoiled and fired a hex at me. I dodged and used a stunning spell. She managed to block it but had just enough time to apparate herself and Lucius away.

I stood there panting for a moment. I had never moved that fast before. After a moment I kneeled beside Draco. He was barely conscious.

"Serenity?" He whispered.

"Hey." I whispered back. "You okay?"

"dO I lOoK oKaY tO yOu?" He answered with a weak laugh.

"You'll be fine. I promise, for now you can rest." I held him till he fell asleep. Then picked him up and turned around. Ron, Hermione and Harry were staring at me from behind a tree.

"You could've helped you know." I sneered at them as I walked past.

"Didn't look like you needed help!" Ron called after me.

"But you could've got Draco while I was fighting!" I yelled back.

I carried Draco up to the hospital wing and set him down on a bed. Madam Pomphrey let me stay with him for the night. My sleep was clouded with Nightmares.

"The girl is showing the signs of a vela my lord."

"That means we can't kill her family."

"So let's break them. Like you said before my lord."

"Thank you Bellatrix, you are a very loyal servant."

"It's my pleasure my lord."

I shot awake as the dream ended.

I wasn't taken though. I was still in the hospital wing. Draco stirred beside me.

"Hey." He said hoarsely.

"How you feeling?"

"Like shit. What about you? You kicked Bellatrix and my Dads asses yesterday."

"I don't know how I did it. I think it was a vela thing." I answered.

"Well I think the vela thing is cool as shit." He smiled at me and I kissed his cheek.

"You missed!" He said as I pulled away.

"I what?" I was taken aback.

"You missed." He smirked at me and pulled me closer.

"oooooh now I get it!" I closed the gap between us. He grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me in to deepen the kiss. I bit his bottom lip seductively and felt him shiver and squirm under me. He opened his mouth in answer to my bite and let me explore his mouth with my tongue. After a while on making out, I pulled away.

"What?" he asked, almost upset.

"First of all, I feel the broken bones so your hurt a lot. Second of all, your too injured for me to fuck you silly. Third of all," He cut me off before I continued.

"I want you to fu-" I kissed him before he could continue with his sentence. I made my way down his neck, he squirmed once I reached his collar bones.


I helped him up and apparated us to his room. I immediately threw him on the bed.

"Take off your clothes!" I sneered at him as I pulled of my shirt.

He watched as I seductively pulled off my pants, then bra, then underwear. I could almost see his hormones going crazy inside him.

"You look like a child watching me right now you know that?" I said while crawling up to him.

"Is it bad to be attracted to someone?" He retorted.

"Well, you look like a 13 year old. Just saying." He pulled me up to him and kissed me deeply.

I fought for dominance, but this time he won. I let him search my mouth with his tongue. He made his way down to my neck, sucked at my sensitive spot. I moaned and squirmed underneath him.

"May I?" I know he would never touch me without permission so I nodded and smirked.

He pushed himself inside me. I moaned in pleasure. I liked that feeling, the one that makes you feel safe. I got lost in the moment and that next thing I knew, he was riding me.

"God go faster!" I was keeping my moaning in control today. So I could speak properly. He rode me until neither of us could move any longer. I pulled up the sheets over us, and fell asleep in his arms.


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