Chapter Eighteen

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*-Time skip: Christmas Day-*

"HEY GUYS" I yell from the kitchen of Hogwarts. "GET DOWN HERE ITS SUPPER TIME!" Ron's parents had come to Hogwarts to look after us.

"I'M COMING!" I hear their yells from the rooms upstairs. He sprints downstairs, followed by Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"Honestly guys! Can't you hear Mrs. Weasley's yelling? Do I seriously have to scream?" I point my fingers at them in frustration.

"Sorry Siren, were just playing Chess." Ron tells me.

"I don't believe that for one second Ronald!" I sneer at him and laugh. Ron and Hermione turn magenta.

"As for you two!" I point fingers at Harry and Draco. "Were you two fucking as well?! HMMM?!" We all share a good laugh at that one.

"Come on kids!" I hear Mrs. Weasley yell from the dining room. "Dinner is served!"

We all pile into the dining room, pushing and shoving so we can eat. Me and Draco sat next to each other near a door, in case we need to make a quick getaway.

"Eat up everyone!" Mrs. Weasley exclaimed. We all dug in with glee.

"Hey Siren," Draco whispered to me when he finished eating. "Can you meet me outside after your finished?"

"Yeah." I whispered back with a smirk on my face. We all finished eating and sat back, groaning from all the eating. I snuck outside after Draco and I followed him onto a nearby hill. He was standing in front of the moon, with something in his hand.

"Hey." I nudged his arm and he jumped out of his skin.

"Christ! Why are you so quiet?!" He said with a laugh.

"Well I snuck out and I figured I might make the most out of it!" I gave him a look of triumph. "So what did you want?"

"Well, as you noticed, I told you earlier my present would be shown later. So I'm showing you now!" He pulled a small black box from behind his back. I opened it carefully, and gasped at the sight of it.

"Draco I-" He kissed me before I could finish. I kissed back with passion we stood there for a while, just kissing passionately.

"Do you like it?" He asked and pulled away.

"It's beautiful!" I put it on. It's a pair of rings, both gold but one with a diamond on it.

"Their a matching set. If one of the wearers is in danger, the other ring will burn the other wearer. If one of the wearers is dead, the ring will turn black." He whispered, putting the ring with the diamond on my finger.

"I think I'm in love with you." I told him.

"I love you too." he answered. And we resumed kissing. After a while, I heard the back door opening.

"Someone's coming." I whispered.

"HEY!" Draco yelled to the person.


"WERE COMING JESUS!" I yelled at him and dragged Draco back towards the house.

"We could see you from the kitchen window." He sneered at us. "Try a better hiding spot next time."

Harry led us inside to the living room, everyone in it was red from laughing.

"Honestly you two." Ron snickered. "Get a room!" And everyone started laughing.

"Hey what's that?" Harry pointed to my ring.

"HOLY SHIT!" Hermione screamed. "DRACO TOO EARLY!" Me and Draco laughed at her.

"No Hermione it's not like that!" I wheezed. "It's a defense ring! If Draco's in trouble, it burns me. if he dies, the ring turns black. Its a simple but beautiful thing."

"O-OH!" Hermione went red with embarrassment. We all laughed till we cried.

"C'mon Siren, lets go to bed." Draco smirked at me and dragged me upstairs. I followed gleefully and put a silencing charm on the door.


I stripped to my undergarments and jumped into his arms. I kissed him hard and full of love. He stripped to his boxers and flopped on the bed.

"Well your eloquent." I sneered at him and jumped on top of him.

While we were kissing, I bit his bottom lip for permission to use tongue. He nodded and let my tongue search his mouth for a long time. After a while, he started sucking and biting at my jawline and neck, leaving hickeys as he went. I moaned in pleasure as he reached my weak spot in between my collar bones.

"Ah, i found it!" He said through kisses. I moaned in return. He kissed his way down to my bellybutton.

"May I?" Draco asked me.

"Yes, you may." I say through moans. i flipped him upside down so i was on top and let him go inside me. I pulled down his boxers and pulled off my undergarments.

I started thrusting almost immediately. He moaned nearly every time i did. i was moaning just as much. Once i was tired, i pulled out, and flopped onto of him.

"I love you." I whispered.

"i love you more." He answered.

"I love you most." i retorted.

"Not possible." He whispered and pulled me under the sheets.


Nightmare's flooded my sleep.

She must be pushed over. Bring her too me! And kill the traitor, he'll get in the way!

"NO!" I screamed and bolted upright.

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