Chapter Twenty-Seven

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My breath caught in my throat. I felt Draco go cold against me. How was Pansy alive?! We saw her dead body that day in the courtyard!

"How the hell are you alive?!" Draco said angrily to Pansy.

"Guess dumbass." She mocked his tone.

"Right." Draco scowled at her and looked away.

"Draco relax." I tried to comfort him. "I'm sure she wont stay for long." I shot a look at Pansy as I said this.

"I'm fine Siren." Draco mumbled and grabbed my hand. I took it and leaned against his shoulder.

Former D.A members and new students entered the large room of requirement. I could see Neville, Luna and Ginny in the group of people. Most of the people who had protested against me and Draco being in the D.A didn't show up. But I did see a fair amount of Slytherin students among the group. Once people stopped entering the room, Hermione started her speech.

"Now that everyone's here, we can begin! I'm going to skip introductions because you already know who we are! So, this group your joining is Dumbledore's army! Although most of you know this, I thought I might say so anyway! Today we begin training for the battle that will inevitably come to Hogwarts! So, no matter your year! We will start with basic defense spells and branch into more advanced and fatal spells! Ron will be handing out the sheet for you to sign! If you sign, there's no going back! Your invested!" And she sat down on an armchair. Ron pulled a long sheet of paper out of his pocket and passed it around. Students used their wands as quills to write their names down.

"Okay!" Me and Harry spoke in cinque. I let him speak first.

"Just because your joining this group, does not make you better than any other person in this room! We all have our strengths and weaknesses! Serenity," he gestures for me to speak.

"In my example! I call out to the group. I am a Vela! So this grants me extraordinary abilities when it comes to protecting a loved one or myself! But sometimes I cannot control the anger that comes with it! Like I have extreme speed when a spell is fired! I may lash out as someone nearby! Its a simple thing that I need to work on. Like how you could be amazing at illusions and mind reading, but you could be absolute shit at making people fly! It's a simple thing! You cant judge someone because of their weaknesses!" I flopped back down on the couch next to Draco, who squeezed my hand.

For the rest of the meeting, it was handing out communication devices and plans for teaching. The members seemed very invested. After a while I noticed Pansy had left. I didn't even notice! The meeting ended and the students left the room. Draco carried me up to our room, I fell asleep halfway down a staircase. I awoke in a nightmare that was again, a vision inside Voldemort mind.

"My lord, the girl escaped. She got through Narcissa. I don't know how!"

"She didn't get through Narcissa Bellatrix, she helped the girl. I can use legillimense."

"What shall I do my lord?"

"Torture her. I want her to pay for what she's done."

"NO!" I woke with a gasp. They were torturing Narcissa somewhere and I had to help! I couldn't let them do that.

"Serenity don't." Draco grabbed my arm as I tried to apparate.

"I used Legillimense. You can't go bursting in to help her."

"But their hurting her because of me!" I shook my arm out of his grip.

"But that's what they want you to do!" i could see Draco was trying not to cry. it was his mother after all.

"Fine." I lay back down on the bed.

"You know," He murmured. "I think you need to teach me a few things."

"Oh is that what you want?" I smirked and giggled a bit.

"Yeah I guess it is." He put his hand on my thigh. I shivered and pushed his hand away.

"I think you need to let the more superior one take over." I smirked and seductively ran my fingers over his muscles. I felt him shiver and quietly moan.

"Ah, like that do you?" I bit his ear and grabbed his shoulder.

"Oh for gods sake your making me crazy!" I grabbed me and attempted to pull me in for a kiss. I brushed my lips against his for a second, and then giggled cheekily. I pulled away and got dressed.

"Oh come on!" Draco complains. "What's up with you? I know your just doing this to annoy me!"

"You dam right I am." I smirked and threw some clothes at him. He got dressed with an ongoing frown.

"So when is this little wall going to break?" he finally asked.

"So its a wall now?" I turned.

"Does it have another name?" he retorted.

"Nope, but lets call it my day of annoyance!" I grabbed his hand and led him to the room of requirement.

It took us about ten minutes to get there, but I could tell something was up. We got to the room and surprisingly, the door was standing open. I drew my wand and crept inside.

"Appare Vestigium." Draco conjured the spell. The apparition of ten people floated into view.

As I was investigating the room, Draco dropped to the ground unconscious.

"Draco?!" I cried and knelt down beside them. At that point I realized I was starting to choke. It was gas, gas to knock people out cold. I struggled to keep myself awake. The gas was filling the room, I could see where it was coming in now. It was coming from a floating wand in a corner.

"D-Dammit..." I gasped and went out cold.

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